What is it that you REALLY, REALLY want?

Something that you’ve wanted for a long time!

I encourage and challenge you to go for it.

What steps can you take to get closer to that dream?

It doesn’t happen because you are willing to hope for it, it happens because you are willing to take action toward it.

You get one shot in life, and it’s never to late to start.

Any time you get to start something new, it will be scary and there will be grieving for what you are shedding that’s old in order to move into something new.

This video tip was inspired by my mom Susan Proffitt who did something pretty bold at 55 years old that caused quite a stir on my Facebook wall when I shared the scoop. Watch the video and see what it brings up for you.

Your action item is to think about: What is it that you really want to do?

Comment below the video and tell me what it is that you REALLY, REALLY want!

And share this on all your social media platforms and help other people find what they want to do too!

P.S. Have something you want to START or GROW? Make sure you’re a part of our BRAND NEW FREE video training series – “Soul Warrior Summit: Creating Space to Cash in on Your Calling”.

Have you signed up yet? Livecast video gathering is 12/12/12. Don’t miss out!

Cruise on over here now and join the journey.

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