Today I’m answering a question from one of the members of our wonderful community.

She writes: “I’m not really loving my experience with gmail. How do you handle personal email and business email with Facebook, fan pages and business websites, etc? I’m asking your opinion on this because you are the one person in my contact list who is following the career path I want to take. I don’t want to be a coach but many of the things you do in your business I see useful for my organizing business. Thanks for any advice on this…”

Alright, here we go:

I’m excited about the opportunity to share my thoughts with Laura and the rest of you regarding email.

A couple of tips:

  • Set-up rules within your email so that the most important stuff gets filtered to you, the rest gets filed, and you don’t spend time hunting for it.
  • Create an autoresponder letting people know that you only check email at certain times so they shouldn’t expect immediate responses from you, but rather responses within a reasonable period of time. You can also provide a phone number for emergencies.
  • Don’t start your day by checking email! This takes your focus away from what you need to work on to push your business, life and spirit forward.

Master your email, don’t let it master you!

Listen to me break it down on our video tip below.

Enjoy and please share your comments below! What works for you? How will you master email in 2013?

P.S. Have you heard? We’ve just launched registration for the 3rd annual – and FINAL – Retreat for Goddesses going down this July. We’re already 30% full. I invite you to check out what we have in store and commit to joining us to cash in on your calling.

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