Are Your Friends and Family Sabotaging Your Success_

Hey there beautiful soul!

So, I have a pretty deep question for you …

Are your friends + family sabotaging your success?

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

So, this is a very important question to ponder. Check out my video so I can give you some tips to answer this for yourself and protect yourself from energy vampires!

Video Transcript – Are Your Friends + Family Sabotaging Your Success?

Hey, today I want to talk to you about a very, very important concept and it’s this: Are your family and friends sabotaging your success? Think about it.

I know it’s a loaded question. I know it brings up emotions and shit from your childhood and everything in between.

Here’s what I’ve learned …

In order for you to truly grow and take your mission and your business and your life and your relationships and everything that is your life …

In order for you to truly evolve and transform and take your body of work to the next level, you have got to be really, really mindful of who you spend your time with, of who you share your dreams with, of who you ask for advice and insight from.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. It’s true.

Think right now who those five people are and be very, very honest with yourself if those five people are holding you back or are they championing you forward.

Can they get super excited for your success and your growth and your evolution or are they afraid that you will grow and leave them and not need them the way that you might need them now?

Are they afraid of the relationship changing form? If so, they are sabotaging your success.

This is such an important topic because I’ve heard from many women in my community that they want to grow, but yet their partner or their friend or their child or their parent or their coworker, their boss or whatever – is somehow holding them back.

What often happens is that you feel guilty for wanting the thing that you want or for wanting to attend the event, wanting to sign up for the course, wanting to launch your business or launch this program or host your first workshop or fill in the blank.

So you go in this perpetual cycle, this broken circle, of continuing to fall in the same hole and allow this person to hold you back.

You keep going to them for advice that they can never give you.

You keep waiting for permission that will never be granted when you’ve got to realize that the permission comes from within and you must be willing to shift your inner circle throughout your business journey.

I’ve done this a number of times on my path, not only related to business but also related to my personal life.

Our friends shift over time.

Our business colleagues shift over time and it’s okay.

We can celebrate every relationship in our life, even those that come to an end. That’s the natural cycle of things. It’s very rare that you will have relationships that will last until the end of time.

I have a handful of these in my life. I’m very, very grateful for them. Sometimes relationships ebb and flow. They change form. They change shape.

My message for you today is to write down those five people who you’re spending the most time with, who have the most influence on you.

Do you need to make some tweaks?

Do you need to make some shifts in bringing some new fresh blood into your life, in minimizing the influence of certain relationships on your life, of releasing some relationships from your life?

This is key to you rising up on your business path, cashing in on your calling, sharing your magnificent gift with the world and shining your light.

Are your friends and family sabotaging your success? Be honest. This is not easy, but it is crucial. I’m here for you. I’m so proud of you and I will connect with you again soon.



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