Jenny + fire

I’ve been thinking a lot about messiness.

When business and life AREN’T perfect.

When you feel like you’re burning up inside.

When deadlines get missed.

Launches flop.

Kids get sick.

You get sick.

Misunderstandings occur between you and your partner.

You get a speeding ticket.

You feel like shit … and you don’t know why.

Are you able to stay in this … or do you run away and hide?

Can you be OPEN to what this situation is teaching you … or do you default to old unhealthy habits that simply don’t work anymore?

I ask these questions because this is what real life is made of, this is what moving to the next level in your business is all about.

The ability to be in the YIN and the YANG of if ALL.

The ability to give yourself permission to PLAY even though there are dishes in the sink, emails to be returned, Facebook posts to write, Periscopes to lead.

bonfireI explored this concept this weekend, big time. It wasn’t easy.

“Fake perfectionist” Jenny (old me) would have PUSHED through all of my feelings in the name of crossing some items off my to-do list.

But new, “Real is better” Jenny took a different road.

When my husband and I had a disagreement, I spoke up about my needs without attaching to whether or not he would fulfill them.

I worked outside in my garden and cleaned up our yard instead of going inside and working on my computer, cruising around on Facebook or promoting my mastermind GLOW.

When our cat Michael didn’t come home over the weekend, instead of freaking out, I led a family ritual where we prayed for Michael and shared our favorite memories about him. We are hopeful he will return.

When my son Luke threw up in the middle of the night on Saturday, I was fully present for him and what he needed instead of caring that the sheets were a mess with puke.

When completing an assignment yesterday, instead of re-creating the wheel I remembered that I already had something created … I simply needed to edit it to make it fit this project.

Instead of working or mindlessly cruising around social media last night, I got into bed and read “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer.

And this morning after school dropoff for my sons, instead of coming straight home and diving right into my projects, I took a 1-hour WALK in the hills and beauty that is the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts.

Yes, I was COLD when I was doing it, but I was ALIVE and feeling GOOD.

It’s been a LONG ROAD to get to this point of allowing myself to FEEL GOOD even when things are MESSY, even when things are BROKEN or not as I thought they would be.

This ROAD is what I consider a SPIRITUAL PATH of taking STEPS even when you aren’t sure where the heck they are LEADING.

Even when you’re scared out of your head, but are driven by your FAITH that everything is going to be OKAY.

Scratch that, everything is going to be BETTER THAN OKAY.

And that feeling, that faith, that everything is going to be WAY BETTER THAN OKAY is what MOVES YOUR MISSION FORWARD.

It is what FUELS you to:

Send the email that freaks you out

Pitch the idea even when your voice quivers

Launch your new program

Ask for the sale

Write and publish your book

Launch your podcast

Create your new online course

Grow your list

Host regular webinars

Lead a retreat in an amazing location

Become a media sensation

Increase your fees + redesign your packages

Give back to your community

Build your brand + launch your website

Hit the speaking circuit

Commit to a regular content creation schedule

Embrace a 1-to-many business model and reclaim more space in your life

Generate $10,000+ a month in new revenue by actioning your ideas



And since you’re still alive if you’re reading this right now, your mission isn’t complete.

Ask yourself these 2 questions to get clarity on the next step in your journey:

  1. “What’s the hardest loss you’ve ever endured?
  2. “What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned that you MUST share with your tribe?”

Journal about your answers and commit to sharing your answers publicly. This is where the magic will happen BIG-TIME! The opportunities that present themselves to you will BLOW YOU AWAY. Guaranteed.

(Women in my GLOW mastermind will be sharing pieces of their brand message and embodying their brand essence throughout our work together. This is CRUCIAL in growing your business and fully stepping into leadership.)

spirit stick sisters

Embrace messy.

Drop the fake perfectionism (it’s a trap).

Keep your eyes on your own paper as you bring your ideas to life.

It’s GLOW time.


P.S. If you are ready to leverage the power of marketing, systems + spirit to get your big work out there, I’m your girl … and my mastermind GLOW is the spot for you.

Until TODAY – Monday, November 7 you can save $250 off your investment. Use the promo code – GLOW250 – at checkout.

GLOW bannerCLICK HERE to apply.

I’d love the opportunity to help you grow + GLOW.

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