So something I’m really excited about in 2017 is writing more. Straight up writing.

I got away from my true, true love a bit last year and my soul suffered. My business grew, but I’m not just in this for the money.

I’m in this for the joy it brings me.

Because when I feel joy, I trust that my joy is making its way around the world and touching you in your corner of the world too.

So I’ve redesigned the way I’m communicating with you and serving you … and making writing – real, raw … not just “promo” copy, but rather, straight-up truth talk – a regular part of my marketing and connection plan.


And when things are wild and crazy, I am even MORE grateful to be a writer.

(Freaking out right now? WRITE IT OUT. Pen to paper. Write.)

Ya’ll, the world feels like it’s turning upside down right now. Is it just me or do you feel it too?

It’s like I’m on those crazy roller coaster where you hang upside down for what seems like forever while your stomach churns. Then you free fall …

Look, I know I may lose fans and customers as a result of me speaking about politics and world affairs, but so be it. I’ve lived with that fear in the past and “played it safe” with my messaging because I didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes.

“Being the good girl” is still something I grapple with.

Of course I don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings by speaking up, but I also must be able to look at myself in the mirror when it’s all said and done and use my platform for good.

As leaders, we have a responsibility to use our voice to take a stand and make true change in the world.

One of the hallmarks I stand behind is to TAKE A STRONG POSITION.

Don’t be wishy washy.

What does this mean?

And why does this matter so much right now?


Even if this means you will lose some business (trust me, you’ll get better opportunities when you’re true to yourself!).

I get why you may feel scared to take a position when we’re trying so hard to not offend anyone.

Women have been conditioned for generations to not step on any toes less we get labeled “bitchy,” “rude,” “bossy,” “opinionated” or “political.”


I’ve seen many women online say that it’s unacceptable to talk about politics, religion or money in public.

Um … what’s that all about?

Your lack of conviction to take a position about what you really feel on social media, in your blog posts, during meetings or conversations means that you don’t add much to the conversation. Your contributions (or lack thereof) are easily forgotten.

While you may be easy on the eyes, you were meant to be so much more than that.

Your unwillingness to stand up for what you believe means you get lost in a sea of sameness.

This also happens when you don’t specifically identify WHO YOU WORK WITH and WHAT SPECIFIC PROBLEM YOU SOLVE.

Your desire to help “everyone” with “everything” means your marketing falls in the giant abyss of nothingness.

You’re casting your net way too wide.

You’re, essentially, wasting your time … and your potential.

Leaking energy.

Trying to please everyone and killing yourself and your business in the process.


You must take a position.

Have a point of view.

Defend that point of view and yet listen to other points of view without a need to prove that you’re “right” and they are “wrong.”

Aim to understand a little bit more today than you did yesterday.

And yet still stand strong for what you believe.

Keep your eyes open.

Point out injustices.

Put your money where your mouth is.

Know that it’s okay to “lose” people along the way.

You can’t help everyone. You can’t change everyone’s minds (especially on the internet!).

You won’t be liked by everyone.

Nor should you try.

You must be clear on who you help and why.

For me, I help spiritually-connected coaches, healers and creatives to grow their businesses without burning out.

We do this through getting crystal clear on your SOUL’S VISION and translating this into a series of aligned actions and intelligent packages and offers that attract your dream clients.

99% of my clients are women.

And we also help a small yet mighty crew of men who are open to being around a bunch of strong, smart, outspoken women.

Keeping us separate doesn’t seem to make much sense anymore. The separateness is causing a lot of trouble in the world now. And what we don’t need more of is SEPARATE.

ACTION STEP >> WHO DO YOU HELP? And what problem do you help them solve?


What Do You Believe?

In the noisy world we live in, it’s easy to lose connection with your own truth. We start picking up on OPO (Other People’s Opinions) and don’t know how WE truly feel about an issue.

Beware of this.

You always, always, always want to be clear on what YOU believe … even if what you believe is different than important people in your life … or the “majority.”

As for me, I believe that the vast majority of the people in the world are good.

I believe in humanity.

I believe in family.

I believe we are all God’s children.

I believe that love is love is love.

I believe in yoga, meditation, angels, spirit guides, crystals, essential oils, candles, palo santo and sage.


I believe in America.

I believe in the world.

I believe in doing unto others as you’d have them do unto you.

I believe in healing your wounds and not putting your “stuff” on someone else to deal with.

I believe that when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

I believe that I can learn a lot about leadership by watching what many in public positions of power do … and then doing the opposite.

I believe we are alive to use our voices and gifts to affect positive change in the world (starting with ourselves).

I believe that empowering my tribe to harness their spiritual gifts to achieve financial freedom is the best gift I can offer the world.

I believe in investing in what you value (contributions/investments lately include quality journalism with the New York Times; civil liberties with the American Civil Liberties Union; and global entrepreneurship and microloans with Kiva).

I believe that history has a way of repeating itself if you aren’t careful. (My Jewish mother-in-law was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a young child … she has taught me so much about staying vigilant and using your voice as she writes Letters to the Editor to the New York Times often. She’s been published more than 20 times.)

I believe that power can be misused when in the hands of mentally unfit people.

I believe in deeply and completely loving and accepting myself.

I believe in you.

I believe this isn’t “business as usual.” This is anything but usual. We must address the elephant in the room … and get to the root.

I believe that no matter what horrible things are happening in the world, there are always helpers making things better.

I believe in your right to disagree with me, agree with me or not care about what I have to say.

I believe that we can have different beliefs and still be kind to each other … and still learn from each other.

I believe in the leaders in my industry who speak out about their beliefs and inspire me to be courageous enough to speak out about mine.

Shoutout to some of them below. Deep bow.

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Where do we go from here?

Honestly I’m not sure.

It feels like uncharted territory yet it also feels like we’ve navigated super choppy waters together before.

For many of you, it’s calling your lawmakers.








Unfriending. Unfollowing. Unsubscribing.

Doubling down.

Hugging your family extra tight.


Not worrying at all.


Do what feels right.

Do right by your conscious. And your moral compass.

Don’t let anyone silence you.


Live awake. Live with your eyes wide open.

Stand UP for what you believe in … in all areas of your life, business and the world. And keep fighting the good fight.

Would love to hear your comments below how you’re taking a stand.

Remember: we are ALL In this together.

Be kind. And strong.

Signature xoxo Jenny

PS – Taking a strong position is also a KEY to growing your business and your tribe.

Next week we are joining forces to do just that.

Would love to have you join me and gutsy leaders from around the world.

Click here to get involved (it’s free).


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