Are you wondering how you will ever be able to leave your day job? Feeling burned out and not sure how to get off the hamster wheel?

Want to learn the hottest tip happening right now in online marketing?

You’re in luck because in today’s episode of Get Gutsy, the amazing Racheal Cook shares her journey from experiencing MAJOR burnout to creating a sustainable business that she adores.

Racheal reveals how she landed in a unique niche (her story is RAD!) helping yoga businesses make a profit, and how that evolved into working with service-oriented entrepreneurs to simplify their businesses and amplify results.

We also chat about breaking free from traditional paradigms and systems to live a life that works for you. Yeah, that’s big!

Stop making things so complicated and dive into ease, babe.

About Our Guest

get-gutsy-podcast-interviews-Racheal-CookRacheal Cook is an award-winning business strategist who believes entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be so complicated. Through her signature online mastermind Sweet Spot Strategy, she helps women entrepreneurs to simplify business and amplify results by designing a business around what works best, for you.

A sought after speaker on entrepreneurship, marketing, and productivity, Racheal’s work has been featured on US Chamber of Commerce, Entrepreneur on Fire, Female Entrepreneur Association, The Mogul Mom, Smart Passive Income, and more. She’s also the author of the Amazon Bestseller books Fired Up & Focused and Your Business Sweet Spot.

Links from Our Guest that You’ll Love:



Links from Jenny that You’ll Love:

Free training > 6 keys to growing your spiritual online business




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