What if I want to apply, but am scared?

Just so you know, anytime I say yes to something that’s in line with my calling + highest good, I’m scared. I get that BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH feeling.

I used to let that feeling hold me BACK from stepping FORWARD. Then I learned that that feeling was actually a SIGN that I was on the right track and was allowed to take that LEAP. I learned to RIDE THE BUTTERFLIES into my next chapter of growth. It’s been an amazing ride. I have a low-grade fear (aka: EXCITEMENT!) much every day as I do my thing … especially when I’m creating + sharing something that’s TRULY an expression of my soul. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Be ever-mindful of those points on your JOURNEY where a DOOR is opened. Know this: it’s up to YOU to walk through it. I’m SO confident that once you walk through the doors of GLOW, you won’t look back. We’ve got you!

One more thing I want to tell you here: from my 10+ years of experience coaching women business owners, I’ve learned that when they are left to their own devices, to implement on their own, they inevitably fall flat. Why? Because so many are strong “starters,” eager to begin new things, but not strong “finishers.” On your own you will likely implement some of the elements crucial to growing your business. However, with the support of a strong coach giving you step-by-step guidance, getting you unstuck, giving you accountability and the unconditional sacred support of a structured environment, your implementation and impact increases dramatically. Without it, you tend to default to your old way of doing things (paralysis analysis sound familiar?!) and create mediocre results. Don’t keep falling in the same traps! That being said, you’ve got to be ALL IN on GLOW for this to be a fit. Let your excitement be bigger than your fear.