Suzanne Tregenza Moore

Suzanne Tregenza Moore

Having known Jenny Fenig for a number of years now, and watched her work hard, play hard and use her smarts, I believed that joining Get Gutsy University would be an good investment. It has been way more than that!

Over my five years of entrepreneurship, I have invested A LOT in myself and my business, and GGU has provided among the highest value for the investment of any program I’ve been in. Jenny’s monthly group sessions are absolutely inspiring. Her regular sharing and support in the Facebook group are fantastic. And the other women in the group are top notch as well.

If you are considering an investment in yourself and your business, I highly recommend joining GGU. It will provide all the tools you need to get to the next level along with the tribe to support you along the way.

Suzanne Tregenza Moore