Rayna Diane Hennen

“With Jenny’s guidance, I have more confidence in what I do, the services I provide, and am getting paid what I’m worth.”

“When I first started working with Jenny, I had just started my business with little more than the idea that I wanted to work for myself which soon meant too much work, not enough time because I wasn’t managing it properly and not enough money because I didn’t have the confidence to ask for what I was worth. I didn’t have a plan and just thought that’s how it worked.

With her guidance, I have more confidence in what I do, the services I provide, and am getting paid what I’m worth. I have created systems to manage my workflow, am in the process of hiring someone which will give me more time in my personal life and to focus on growing the business through regular marketing and creating programs that will expand the services I already provide, provide additional income and reach a larger audience.”

– Rayna Diane Hennen, Brand Strategy and Design Partner, GoodFortuneDesignStudio.com

Rayna Diane Hennen