Elaine Wellman Hamnett

“Jenny’s mastermind is a life-and-business-changing experience for those ready to step up and play big.”

“I was ready to up-level my biz when I found Jenny’s mastermind. I really thrive when I feel like I’m on a team and have support versus trying to do it all alone. With Jenny’s guidance and the deep connections I made with the other mastermind gals, I’ve done just that hosted my first live event.

Jenny creates the space for us to come together, support one another and shine. We have each other’s backs no matter what — whether it’s for a new launch, a business letdown or even what’s going on in our personal lives. We all feel safe to share our most inner struggles and also celebrate our wins in a big way with a group of women cheering us on.”

– Elaine Wellman, Marketing & Mindset Mentor, ElaineWellman.com

Elaine Wellman