Andrea Hood

Andrea Hood

Back in 2012 when I started my entrepreneurial and spiritual journey, I was lonely, isolated, felt like I didn’t belong. I invested in myself and signed up for the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and a whole new world to me – in particular, new friends all over the world. My journey has taken lots of fun twists and turns since I said YES to investing in myself 4 years ago, and the ride has been nothing short of spectacular.

The like-minded people that I’ve met through places like IIN, GLOW mastermind, and Get Gusty University – honestly, they blow my mind away. These amazing souls are making the world a better place. They help make me a better me. They encourage me and inspire me when I’m feeling less than fabulous, and help celebrate all of the big wins and growth opportunities I’ve experienced.

I truly believe that being a part of a like-minded community is essential for growth – the key to success! You don’t have to do it alone. There are SO many people out there just like you – with similar beliefs, goals, and dreams. They want to support you, you just have to find them.

Andrea Hood Get Gutsy University Student
Andrea Hood