Julie Bishop

“The amazing woman I connected with are a part of my life now.”

“When I received the invitation to attend Jenny’s retreat, there was a strong intuition it would-be be a game changer. Of course, my immediate reaction was fear and resistance … which is a perfect indicator to go for it.

This retreat was beyond expectation and the amazing woman I connected with are a part of my life now. Jenny, in her wisdom and inspiration, taught me that I don’t have to make the big vision happen overnight … I realized that belief had me paralyzed.

What works best is to strategically move forward, put the proper supports in place, and grow my business one step at a time. In a few short weeks I have moved forward more than the six months prior because of Jenny’s guidance. Believing and investing in my own growth, combined with Jenny Fenig’s expertise and my newfound relationships are absolutely priceless. I know now that the bigger vision will be realized.”

– Julie Bishop, Kick-ass Courage and Anti-Burnout Coach For Female Leaders + Bestselling Author of “Thrive Anyway,” JulieannaBishop.com

Julie Bishop