“A woman who knows how to sell is fully free.” – Jenny Fenig

If you’ve been holding back with sharing and selling like you know you need to, keep reading …

Some questions for you:

  • Have you been working in your business for a while now, but still not earning the kind of money you could be … due to fear (of people not buying, of people not approving of your prices, of not being liked)?
  • Do you have a hard time consistently attracting the type of dream clients who are serious about their growth and excited to pay you every time you put something out there? 
  • When you do attract opportunities, clients, abundance, compliments, do you feel guilty deep down, like somehow you’re not worthy? Do you deflect or not take care of what’s come your way?
  • Or do you know you have so much to offer, but keep your creations and gifts hidden away … hoping someone magically knocks on your door wanting to work with you when you haven’t fully done your part because you’re afraid to share and sell your work?

The fears run deep. But they don’t need to run your life anymore.

Selling is not dirty. Selling is not gross. Selling is not wrong. (Even though there will be people who tell you otherwise.) You do not need to feel any shame or guilt about selling. None.

Selling allows you to deeply help your people … and make beautiful money and impact to change the world. 

We are on the precipice of massive shifts. Can you feel them too? The person you’ve been waiting for is YOU.

I want more coaches, healers, therapists, spiritual teachers, consultants + change-makers claiming their power with selling + serving + receiving.

The world needs you now. And I know this can feel exciting – and a tad overwhelming. Because so much of what’s going on in the world is crazy, sad, frustrating and COMPLETELY out of your control.

Same is true for your business. There will always be someone who is better at you in this area or that area. There is someone with more experience or more social media followers or better videos or better hair.

And you can’t worry about this, at all. You can’t let this hold you back from sharing your soul.

You can’t obsess about what this person or that person is doing. Or what this person or that person might think about you when you put your great work out there and make offers and invitations.

What you do want to focus on are the elements that are IN your control >> your effort, your energy, your creations, your income.

It’s pretty simple really. But so easy to forget.

Your work has a massive ripple effect on the healing of the planet. We can’t wait on the sidelines for a “better time.” The time is now.

Before I tell you what we’re going to do, let me tell you more about me and my journey.

Hi, I’m Jenny Fenig, and I’m an award-winning entrepreneur and coach here to help you cash in on your calling. I love teaching spirit-led entrepreneurs like you that you don’t have to choose between work that you love (that pays you well) and a flexible schedule that gives you the freedom to live however and wherever you’d like.

This matters so much because I’m a mom of 3 young children and a wife to Steven who has a career he cares about (he works in sports television). We both work from home and homeschool 2 of our kids. We also love traveling and going on adventures. We exercise every day. Our businesses support this kind of active lifestyle.

I spent the first decade of my career in New York City working with some of the biggest brands and thought leaders in the world. This is where I also started making some serious money (because I was profiting from my projects) and achieved that magical 6-figure income I *thought* would make me happy.

But something was off. And that something was … the work wasn’t in alignment with who I truly was. And I didn’t know it at the time, but I wanted the freedom that comes from working for myself, setting my own hours, deciding on my own projects, making whatever kind of money and impact I desire. I wanted to be self-employed! And I wanted to be a coach (figured that one out after quitting my corporate job and graduating from yoga teacher training).

So for the last decade plus, I’ve been living the dream as an entrepreneur and coach. I’ve helped thousands of women get gutsy and cash in on their calling. I’ve launched and led dozens of programs, retreats, courses and creations. I’ve coached incredible women 1:1. I’ve certified coaches who graduated from my coaching school. I published a book and launched a podcast. I have a fabulous team who makes my vision real. My business generates multiple six figures a year. I work a very limited schedule and spend a ton of time with my kids.

I’ve experienced all of this because I LOVE SHARING + SELLING. And I’ve come to really love the spiritual act of RECEIVING (I’ll teach you more about this).

I’m not afraid of hearing NO. I’m not afraid of hearing YES. I’m not afraid of people not liking me. I’m not afraid of people loving me.

The only thing I’m afraid of is not going for it … not fully using my gifts to help my people … of dying with my music still inside.

And what I’ve seen time and time again is that too many women struggle here. And it breaks my heart.

You cannot reach your fullest potential with your work if you are not willing to BE SEEN + CLAIM YOUR VALUE + GET PAID (in more ways than only money).

Being visible and joyfully sharing your ideas and selling your creations is literally why you are on the planet. 

It is time to remember who you really are.

I love this picture of me. I’m deep in thought, rocking those red shorts, barefoot in the grass.

I keep this shot in my office. It’s my own version of “Bring Your Child to Work Day.”

She is whispering to me: REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.

Wild, free, wise, worthy.

I recently gave my clients an assignment to find a picture of them as a child that reminds them of their unique spark.

We’ve been doing some powerful work around visibility and selling. Going back into the memory banks about how safe you felt to share who you really are.

It all starts in childhood. And we bring this stuff – for better or worse – with us into our business.

I want to help you heal the part of you that’s afraid to sell big and charge well for your great work.

If you want to make more money + impact, know this:

  • You need to bang the drum about what you’re doing and why.
  • You need to be obsessed with your creations and your people.
  • You need to charge well for your offers.
  • You need to believe in the power of receiving.
  • You need to release any guilt around people paying you.

I know you need some help here.

So allow me to welcome you to >> 

I am over the moon psyched to invite you on the transformational SELL OUT journey. Embodying what I teach you will transform the trajectory of your … EVERYTHING.

I know what you NEED to MAKE IT as a leader on a mission.

A woman who embraces SELLING OUT.

A woman who embraces HELPING more people, making more MONEY, RECEIVING more of what you want, elevating your ENERGY, LETTING GO of all that can’t come with you.

A woman who embraces TAKING A STAND with your brand.

SELL OUT is for you if you:

  • Have a deep desire to make a BIG IMPACT on the world with the way you grow your business and live your life
  • Feel with every fiber of your being that you have a spiritual mission to fulfill on this planet and you intend to do this through your work
  • Believe that you should be well compensated for your talents, gifts and value you offer the world
  • Are ready to radically increase your ability to sell, serve and receive (with ease)

SELL OUT is NOT for you if you:

  • Want to avoid growth at any cost
  • Don’t want to make money and impact and use this to make this world better
  • Constantly see roadblocks instead of workarounds
  • Don’t like being in a community of fellow leaders

Allow the energy of this invitation to sink into your heart.

Because sharing is caring and selling is fun.

If this concept freaks you out at all, you definitely need to join us.

If you’ve ever been told that it’s wrong or shameful for women to sell and sell big, you definitely need to join us.

If you believe in the power of sharing and selling but you know you need a tune up to open up to your next level of wealth and service, then you definitely need to join us. (Literally just one idea I share will amplify your results in the biggest way.)

I made SELL OUT for you. I want you to touch more lives.

I want you to know how amazing it feels to have the best clients signing up to work with you over and over again.

I want you to wake up to more sales notifications and expansive opportunities in your inbox.

I want you to know how fun selling is — for you and for all the awesome people who are going to be pumped to work with you.

You feeling it?

Then take a powerful step into your next level of growth and say YES to joining me in SELL OUT.

See you inside.


P.S. If you have any questions prior to registering, please contact us at support@jennyfenig.com. You can find the answers to the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS here. Cheers!

I Am In!

The Experience…

I am THRILLED to lead to lead this transformational journey on the art of shameless selling + serving + receiving. So many women get tripped up here. No more. If you don’t confidently sell your ideas and offers, you don’t have a business and you won’t touch all the lives you can with your great work. The world needs more wealthy women who know how to stand in their power around money and abundance.

Here’s what I know: A woman who knows how to sell, is fully free.

SELL OUT walks you through the inner and outer work required to truly love sales.

How much money and growth are you ready to receive?

You can dive into instant access bonuses + pre-work as soon as you sign up. The magic happens as soon as you confirm your spot.

You’ll have ongoing access to the entire library of materials inside our magical member portal. So you can get a refresher whenever you feel like it.

Here’s what we’re going to cover …

Module 1


We’re starting here for a reason – because you need a refresher on just how awesome you are and how valuable your work is. Just because your work comes so easy to you doesn’t mean it’s not worth much. Your work is of the highest value. But you must do your part and claim that shit! When you do, just watch what happens.

Our focus:

  • Why you’re afraid of selling and how to get to the root to break through (we’re talking shame + courage here!)
  • How to boost your confidence when it comes to selling anything
  • A powerful + simple technique to find the exact words to describe what you do in the most compelling way possible
  • Getting clear on where your money actually comes from (this is a game changer)

In addition to being the leader of a great safety net of extraordinary spiritual entrepreneurs, Jenny is good at holding up the mirror of intuitive truth. After intently listening, Jenny can “read” you and be on target about the best direction to go based on your interest, focus, and energy.

Jenny is masterful at attracting the right group of people to be on the greatest odyssey of self discovery and business building.


Module 2


What clients are really investing in when they buy from you? Your energy. Not the fact that they get X number of this or Y number of that. Certainly the elements of your offer are important, but they aren’t nearly as important as the energy you bring to the work. Your energy ripples out to their energy ripples out to their results. Energy is everything.

So we will look at what you must do – physically, energetically, digitally, spiritually – to cleanse and clear and make space for all that growth that’s waiting for you.

Our focus:

  • Discover the 5 areas to focus on for maximum traction + fun (say goodbye to overwhelm)
  • How to become an energetic match for all you desire
  • Working your program like a pro
  • Strengthening your money container

The opportunity to work with Jenny fell into my inbox just at the perfect moment where my soul and spirit were crying out for sacred support.

I knew with the depth of my belly that I was meant to do it and signed up immediately with no hesitation.

I have been supported on an epic journey from my mind into my body – connecting the the inner source and the infinite wisdom of my own knowing. For the first time in my life.

Jenny is a leader of leaders who is seeding space with the future that wants to emerge – one that our world desperately needs to heal via healing ourselves.


Module 3


TRUTH: you’re not the only one who does what you do. But you’re the only one who can do it and be it EXACTLY like you. You have music inside of you. It’s time to SHARE IT more fully and profitably. It’s easy to get tripped up here and burn out trying to keep up with the Internet Joneses. Not necessary! Let’s dive in.

Our focus:

  • How to know what to share (and what not to)
  • What platforms / places are best for reaching your people and how to use them to your advantage
  • How to get over your fears of being seen (whether that be video on social media, speaking in front of a live audience or sharing a vulnerable post)
  • 3 ways to increase your income
  • The best ways to drum up awareness for your offers and invitations

Jenny invited me to envision and consider angles I had never dreamed possible, and as a result, I am creating multiple programs that will carry my business through the next year and beyond. I am so grateful for the sacred space.


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Module 4


Ever been told you’re too much? Too ambitious? Too bold? Too out there? That you want too much? Truth: Your desire for BETTER is what makes you a powerful force for needed change in the world. Your too much-ness is your magic. It’s exactly what makes you so good at what you do. And it’s exactly what will make you incredible at sales once you realize how freaking fun selling truly is.

Our focus:

  • Why more saleswomen is exactly what the world needs and how to lead the charge (and deal with the critics who don’t like what you’re doing)
  • How to decide what you want to sell, how to price it and how to sell it
  • Understand what you REALLY need to invite prospects in (sales page, invitations, enrollment conversations, social media, live gatherings, referrals and more)
  • Why your job is NOT to get your prospect to say YES and what you should focus on instead (and how to line up all of your offers with this in mind)
  • The key to setting sales targets that stretch you not stress you
  • What to do when sales aren’t happening the way you hoped

Jenny is knowledgeable, supportive, organized, fun and caring. She leads from a place of integrity and trust. I am confident when I say working with her has pushed my business dreams to a whole new level.

If you’re thinking of working with her, here’s what I’ll say to you >> Show up, do the work, be open to letting your intuition take the wheel for a bit!


Module 5


Sales and growth are all about RECEIVING.

Certainly, you’ve gotta deliver what was purchased, but you also must know how to RECEIVE the opportunity, the clients, the money, the responsibility, the trust, the recognition.

If you struggle here, it will absolutely impact EVERYTHING … especially your money. You must give this the attention it needs.

Our focus:

  • A mantra that changes everything
  • Looking at what you’re deflecting and what you’re calling in (this will surprise you)
  • A conversation about pleasure and pain
  • The inner work required DAILY to attract the most incredible clients, opportunities and cash
  • Balancing feminine with masculine energies to create sustainable success

Jenny creates a safe womb-like environment to go through the fear and messiness required for transformation. Working with Jenny challenges me to step outside of my comfort zone so that I can make my dreams a reality.


What You Get…

  • 5 Training + Q+A Modules // You’re going to LOVE this content!
  • 5 Module-Specific Assignments // SELL OUT is for leaders and action takers. I give you specific assignments and concepts to play with that will move the needle in your business.
  • Bonuses Galore // See below for ALL the juicy details.

I Am In!

Hot Bonuses

(value = $1,333)

This Is How We Do It: Tech, Graphics + Copy Essentials
Do you struggle with getting your offers online in a way that represents the premium power of your offer? Does the tech set-up make you want to pull your hair out? Are you unclear how to create a compelling visual brand for your creation (and what sizes of graphics are needed)? Not sure what kinds of emails + social posts work best to get your audience’s attention?

Never fear. My team and I created a bonus training to take you behind the scenes in Jenny Fenig Worldwide. You’ll see exactly how we do things. No more getting tripped up here. When you know better, you do better.

Pricing Guide: 8 Simple Ways to Charge More Money Right Now
Stop undercharging! Stop undervaluing your offerings. Remember >> financially free women will change the world. This pricing guide will get you on your way.

Closing the Sale through Sacred Enrollment Conversations
As a service-based leader, you’ve got to master the art and science of enrollment conversations (aka sales calls). If you feel shaky here, all you need is a helpful guide who’ll break it all down for you. It’s time to start ringing up the sales and signing more awesome clients. This digital workshop shows you the way.

Selling Is Fun Meditation
Way too many women are afraid to sell. I created this meditation to open you up to more abundance by embracing the sacred act of sales.


I have learned so much from Jenny and I was able to successfully launch my first group coaching program, which sold out.


You may be on the fence about working with Jenny but every course I have taken of hers I have seen the return on investment not only in my business but my personal life.


Jenny will meet you right where you are. She will listen. And wait. Then, from her wisdom within, she will guide you forward. You will grow in ways never imagined.
The transformation will yield benefits personally and professionally. If you are drawn to Jenny, there is a reason. Go ahead and take the next step. You’ll be soooo glad you did.


If you have an opportunity to be in Jenny’s sphere through any one of her programs, I highly recommend you do it! It is for those that are truly on a mission to lead and break through your internal obstacles. You will feel held in a way that is structured, supported, and motivates you. The investment of working with Jenny will continue to ripple through your life. I’ve invested in many other programs throughout the years, and working with Jenny has been a premier experience.


Working with Jenny is like re-aligning and clearing the channel between the mind and the heart.


Jenny is an amazing and truly passionate coach. I shifted from thinking to doing. Jenny is so awesome at not only inspiring people but also empowering them as well.


Join Now

Choose Your Payment Option

Video Trainings + Action Guides

Ongoing Access to the Materials

Bonuses Galore on Tech, Graphics + Copy Essentials / Pricing / Enrollment Conversations / Opening Up to More Abundance

Pay in Full or Payment Plan Available


Show up. Speak up. Love more. Sell more.

About Jenny Fenig

Jenny Fenig’s mission is to help you cash in on your calling.® She is passionate about empowering coaches, healers, transformational teachers + change-makers to show up, speak up, love more + sell more.

After a successful corporate career in New York City working with some of the biggest brands and thought-leaders in the world, Jenny quit her 6-figure job to do what she was put on this planet to do: get gutsy + take a stand with her mission-driven business (and help you do this too). She loves teaching women like you that you don’t have to choose between work that you love (that pays you well) and a flexible schedule that gives you the freedom to live however and wherever you’d like.

Jenny is the author of Get Gutsy and was named a Silver Stevie Award Winner for Coach of the Year.

She lives in the woods with her family in the Berkshires of Massachusetts. She loves running, riding on her Peloton, drinking tea, spending time in nature, traveling, and cheering on her kids at their many sporting events.

Proudly Featured In 

Jenny Answers the FAQ

Who is SELL OUT for?
All open-minded, big-hearted women and non-binary folks ready to expand your sacred work and grow your business by embracing sharing, selling and making money online!
How can I access the trainings and resources?
The materials are organized on an online membership platform that you can access from your digital device (computer, tablet, mobile). It’s super easy to stay organized here. You’ll receive your very own log-in and password and can go in to access your materials at any time. You’ll love it.
How do I get my spouse or partner to support me in this decision?
In my experience, spouses who aren’t wired like entrepreneurs don’t always immediately see the value in these types of investments. Typically, the spouse is skeptical and wants to be reassured that this isn’t just another “bright shiny object” for you, but rather, something that is going to produce real results and provide a substantial return on investment.

I still remember when I told my husband about the first-ever big coaching program I wanted to invest in ($13,000) back in 2009 and was scared out of my mind. Once he sensed the value and how confident I was that it was exactly what I needed to do, he supported my decision 100%. Thank goodness! So much shifted for me during that program, which led to the business success I experience to this day.

When presenting the opportunity to get results in SELL OUT, it is important that you share with your spouse, 1) What the program specifically entails, 2) what solution it provides, 3) what makes it different from other programs you’ve experienced, 4) the credentials of the leader. Your partner simply wants the best for you and when you describe what you’ll get AND that you’ll take full advantage of everything SELL OUT offers, you will likely have full support. Go for it!

I have a full-time job. Is SELL OUT right for me?
Many of our clients are employed in a full-time job. So to answer your question, YES, SELL OUT is right for you if you’re committed to building your business as a side hustle for now. It’s a smart way to boost your sales. You can tune into the material at the best time for you. No problem there. When you join SELL OUT, you will go further faster than if you tried to figure this out on your own.
This sounds so powerful, but I'm so busy and am scared I won't have time to take this on. Maybe I should wait until my schedule opens up?
It’s been my experience, from coaching spiritual entrepreneurs that when they are left to their own devices, to implement on their own, they inevitably fall flat. Why? Because entrepreneurial spirits are people who are strong “starters,” eager to begin new things, but not strong “finishers.” With the support of SELL OUT giving you step-by-step guidance around selling, serving and receiving and getting you unstuck, your implementation and impact increases dramatically. Besides, you get lifetime access to the material. Tune in whenever works for you. Tune back in whenever you need a tune up.
Is there a live component to this course?
SELL OUT is a digital course that you can take at your own pace. The content and bonuses can be listened to / watched on the best schedule for you. I recorded the modules live when I initially launched this course so it has a very live vibe, which comes across in the power of the material.
I’m in another program now. Should I wait until that one is done before joining SELL OUT?
If you are currently working with a coach or mentor, awesome! But it’s rare that you can get everything you need from just one person or program. If you feel SELL OUT is calling your name, listen. You can dive into the program on the best schedule for you. There is no “falling behind.”
Is this right for me even if I’m just starting out in my business? Or still formulating my idea?
Yes. I WISH I would have had access to this info when I was just starting out as a business owner. The requirements for being in SELL OUT is that you consider yourself a LEADER and are ready to take consistent, imperfect action to become stronger at selling, serving and receiving.

SELL OUT is for you if you are committed to making an impact in the world with your work! It’s okay if your business idea isn’t solid or if you’re in transition. Clarity comes through action — not thinking about taking action for months and months (without actually doing anything). I’m so excited to see you put this course to work for your good.

I want to join, but I'm scared.
Just so you know, anytime I say yes to something that’s in line with my calling + highest good, I’m scared.


I used to let that feeling hold me BACK from stepping FORWARD. Then I learned that that feeling was actually a SIGN that I was on the right track and was allowed to take that LEAP. I learned to RIDE THE BUTTERFLIES into my next chapter of growth.

It’s been an amazing ride.

I hear from so many potential clients that they WANT to be a part of one of my offerings, but they are SCARED. And they are SCARED that they are SCARED. Can you relate?

Here’s what I have to say about fear:

I’d be worried if you WEREN’T at least a little bit nervous or scared. A lot of people who have signed up for one of my offerings is totally FREAKED OUT!!! I love it. Just means that you’re ALIVE! I have a low-grade fear (aka: EXCITEMENT!) much every day as I do my thing … especially when I’m creating + sharing something that’s TRULY an expression of my soul. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Be ever-mindful of those points on your JOURNEY where a DOOR is opened. Know this: it’s up to YOU to walk through it. I’m SO confident that once you walk through this SELL OUT door, you won’t look back. Let’s GO!

Choose Your Payment Option

Video Trainings + Action Guides

Ongoing Access to the Materials

Bonuses Galore on Tech, Graphics + Copy Essentials / Pricing / Enrollment Conversations / Opening Up to More Abundance

Pay in Full or Payment Plan Available


Show up. Speak up. Love more. Sell more.