There’s one question I love asking my tribe so I can continue offering up the best services and support: what’s keeping you up at night?

Understanding the needs and desires of your market is CRUCIAL.

When you have a distinct KNOWING of who you serve and why you serve them, you can continuously be a leader your tribe loves working with. You’ll always be in business and that’s a good thing!

There are 5 things to look for in your market research:

  1.     END RESULTS your market wants (what are they REALLY buying?)
  2.     PAIN POINTS of your market (what keeps them up at night?)
  3.     DESIRES of your market (what are they hungry for?)
  4.     COMPETITION (who else is doing what you’re doing? How are they doing it?)
  5.     IDEAL CLIENT profile (who do you really want to be selling to … and why?)

On this episode of Get Gutsy, I share tips and insights to conducting mission-critical research into the minds and hearts of your people. You’ll also hear what you can do with this data that will separate you from the noisy pack, making you a standout leader in your industry.

Excited to hear what you think of this one. Hit me up in my FB group (join at or on Instagram – @jennyfenig – and tell me!


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