Last week was a doozy.

Not only did we hear the news about Kate Spade’s death by suicide on Tuesday, but on Friday we heard about Anthony Bourdain’s suicide.

Fuck. So much pain.

Kate and Anthony had it “all” it would seem. Success. Career. Money. Travel. Options. Family. Celebrity.

So what happened?

A big conversation about mental health and depression is now happening, and that’s a good thing.

Because success is a nuanced road.

Nobody gets out of here alive.

The question is … what will you do with the time you’ve been given? And are you willing to get help on your journey?

Let’s be real with each other.

That’s what this episode of GET GUTSY is dedicated to. I went live on Facebook after learning of Kate Spade’s passing to share my thoughts about the reality of success. This is an important conversation we need to be having.

Join Me + Gabby Bernstein this Friday, June 15

If you are ready to BRING IT ON in your sacred work, make sure you get your spot at this awesome live training I’m doing with Gabby Bernstein this Friday!

I manifested something awesome for you!

Click here to get your free spot.

It involves one of my favorite people ever – Gabby Bernstein!  The time I’ve spent learning from and working with Gabby has changed my business and my life forever.

Not only has she been featured in the New York Times, written bestselling books, and been interviewed by Oprah, but I just adore who she is and how she rolls. She is smart, funny, courageous and committed. You want her in your world!

And this Friday, June 15, Gabby and I are coming to you LIVE with a training on how to cash in on your calling as a spirit junkie.

We are going to jam on …

✔️ The magical, miraculous things that will happen when you follow your spiritual path as a leader on a mission

✔️ How to overcome fear + doubt that you can do this

✔️ What is more valuable than SELLING when it comes to growing your business

✔️ Dealing with critics + online bullies

✔️ Knowing when to make a move (even when it scares you)

✔️ OMG BONUS! 🔥 Hot announcement 🔥 of how to work with both of us to grow your spiritual business.

I am sooooo excited to invite you to come hang out with us and say yes to cashing in on your calling as a SPIRIT JUNKIE.

Click here to sign up.

(And don’t worry, if you can’t make it live, I’ll send you the recording!)

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