Just another Tulum sunrise …

This view never gets old.

I’ve been waking naturally with the sun all week during our retreat, watching the light rise on another day.

I’ve practiced yoga every morning … and yesterday did something I had never done before: practiced yoga on a paddleboard at a mesmerizing lagoon! And my amazing client Beth Sears joined me for this adventure.

Here’s a shot of us before we headed into the lagoon with our yoga teacher who we met here at our retreat center Maya Tulum.

Yesterday I also led our final mastermind retreat session for these amazing women I adore.

Our theme for the retreat has been >


Take in those words. They are so powerful and so true.

Exactly 11 years ago I quit my last corporate job. I was earning $175,000 a year and was terrified to resign and walk away from something I had worked so hard to build.

I was also a student in an intensive 200-hour yoga teacher training program in New York City led by Jonathan Fields and Lauren Hanna and was waking up. The more I went deeply into my yoga practice and my body, the less I could tolerate working in a job that didn’t light me up.

So I quit without a plan other than to follow the path to happiness. I was committed to creating a career that I love. I discovered coaching soon after I quit my job. Signed up for a training and started my business immediately.

The rest as they say is HER-STORY ❤️

Trust those nudges.

Allow yourself to be cracked open. You absolutely can and will cash in on your calling.

If you want help with this, I’m your girl.

Whether you’ve been in business for a while or are newer to the game, trust me when I say: what you want, wants you.

Okay, I’m off to explore TULUM now. All of my clients have left and I’ve got one final day to integrate and celebrate before I head home to my family tomorrow.

It’s been a most powerful retreat and I am forever grateful for this work I do and for this community I serve.

Thanks for being here. Thanks for reading. Thanks for being an action taker. Thanks for changing the world in the way that only you can.

Remember: what you want, wants you.

Love, light + fierceness,


PS – I want you at Gutsy Coach Week!

Click here to reserve your free spot now.

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