Ready to befriend your inner mean girl and stop being so freaking hard on yourself? *Hand raised right here* From “picked on” middle schooler to inner mean girl reformer, veteran coach Amy Ahlers has seen and experienced a lot on her journey. And she’s here today to...
Overachiever? People pleaser? Perfectionist? OMG I get it. Been there, done that. And do I have just the message for you today if you’re ready to break free in the new year. Andrea Owen, who returns to Get Gutsy for our first episode of 2018, is on a mission to help...
Welcome to the end of the year. I AM READY. How about you? Before I head out to take a long winter’s nap, I share a provocative question and meditation to help you create a powerful new year. Thanks for being on this quest with me. It’s been an unforgettable year....
Perfectionism can be deadly for entrepreneurs. So is your fear of fear. Career coach Lorraine Rise shares how she learned overcome perfectionist syndrome and also explains her take on fear (hint, hint >> it’s your friend!). Lorraine also reveals how her business...
Do decisions freak you out? Do you sit on something forever because you’re terrified to make a move? I hear you, girl. Decisions can feel MASSIVE because often they are. But everything in your life and work comes together based on a series of decisions you make daily....
What difference does investing in yourself make in your life? Whose voice should you follow when you’re grappling with a big decision? You are invited to my honest and raw conversation with Get Gutsy Coach Training School graduate Thea Jorbina. Thea shares...