Honor Your Boundaries with Lisa Fabrega

Honor Your Boundaries with Lisa Fabrega

A big theme for the many of the women I’ve worked with through the years is this >> lack of boundaries. Being unwilling to set healthy boundaries causes you to feel overwhelmed, exhausted and drained. Human doormat, anyone? Straight-up: this sucks! And you can...
Make a Decision with Pratima Aravabhoomi

Make a Decision with Pratima Aravabhoomi

I was introduced to Pratima Aravabhoomi’s work when I received a gift in the mail (in the actual mail, not email – there’s a difference!) from her company Craft Street Design. It was a piece of wall art with a quote by Francis of Assissi. The quote >>...
Do What Feels Real + Right with Erica Gellerman

Do What Feels Real + Right with Erica Gellerman

Can a book really change your life? This episode will have you believing YES. You can imagine my delight when I learned that my book “Get Gutsy” played a big role in Erica Gellerman’s gutsy move to release her “successful” corporate executive life (Procter &...
Put Yourself on the Line with Nathalie Lussier

Put Yourself on the Line with Nathalie Lussier

I’ve known Nathalie Lussier for several years. I followed her online for a bit, then eventually got to know her in a group where we were both members. What I’ve felt about her from the beginning >> she’s SMART. Super smart. And she’s also very gutsy. She bets on...
Cash In On Your Calling As a Coach

Cash In On Your Calling As a Coach

I have a few questions for you: Have you been the go-to woman that friends, family, colleagues and strangers come to when they need guidance? Do you love reminding people of their innate power and gifts? Do you have a knack for lasering in on an issue and shifting to...