How do you bounce back after hard things happen? What do you do when your world is turned upside down? Oh boy, grab some tissues for this episode of Get Gutsy. Christine McAlister shares openly about an unimaginable tragedy, and what happened in the aftermath. My...
From $100 and a 1-page website to a $20 million payday 8 years later, Nellie Akalp’s story is truly inspiring. She figured out how to solve a need and create a solution to help the masses. Nellie is also not afraid to take on risk. We go deep in our conversation...
Ready to amp up, or start, your spiritual practice? Want to express yourself freely? Step fully into a role of service over marketing? From sex columnist to soul-based entrepreneur, Hanna Bier, has some special gems just for you! I just love her energy and her path...
A big theme for the many of the women I’ve worked with through the years is this >> lack of boundaries. Being unwilling to set healthy boundaries causes you to feel overwhelmed, exhausted and drained. Human doormat, anyone? Straight-up: this sucks! And you can...
I was introduced to Pratima Aravabhoomi’s work when I received a gift in the mail (in the actual mail, not email – there’s a difference!) from her company Craft Street Design. It was a piece of wall art with a quote by Francis of Assissi. The quote >>...
Can a book really change your life? This episode will have you believing YES. You can imagine my delight when I learned that my book “Get Gutsy” played a big role in Erica Gellerman’s gutsy move to release her “successful” corporate executive life (Procter &...