I’ve known Nathalie Lussier for several years. I followed her online for a bit, then eventually got to know her in a group where we were both members. What I’ve felt about her from the beginning >> she’s SMART. Super smart. And she’s also very gutsy. She bets on...
Why can it be so hard to make positive changes in your life? What’s the secret to creating lasting change? Are our beliefs to blame when we feel stuck? Shelley Davidescu and I swim around in all things CHANGE during our compelling conversation on today’s show. She...
I have a few questions for you: Have you been the go-to woman that friends, family, colleagues and strangers come to when they need guidance? Do you love reminding people of their innate power and gifts? Do you have a knack for lasering in on an issue and shifting to...
Mother Goddess, hear me rise. Mother Goddess, hear me rise. Over and over again, I could hear this powerful message flowing through my body. I was fully naked. On a massage table. In an open-air room at my retreat center in Gokarna Beach, India. Two massage therapists...
What do you do when what works for you stops working? Want to break the cycle of setting yourself up for disappointment? Then you’re going to love today’s conversation with Eleni Andreadis, who is an amazing Get Gutsy Certified Coach! I met Eleni a year ago when she...
Wondering if you have what it takes to invest in other entrepreneurs to help make their dreams come true? Or, to create a thriving business in another country? Well Kelsey Matheson’s instincts have taken her on a powerful journey exploring these realms! I just loved...