I turned 47 last week! I honestly feel I’m just getting started in many areas of my life yet I also know I have traveled far distances and have learned a ton. I’m still hungry yet I also feel super content. If I could go back and tell my younger self a few things,...
For as far back as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with getting big things accomplished in the most efficient way possible. I think this is because I have so many things I love and I want time to do them well — and enjoy myself. In my early career, I didn’t...
I’m 9 years sober today! What a ride getting to this point. Hardest part was when alcohol was still in my life. Once I decided I was done, life got a lot easier and more fun. Sobriety has taught me that taking exquisite care of me is my biggest responsibility. When I...
I do one thing at the start of each week to set me up for the week ahead. It has nothing to do with business yet it absolutely impacts my work. Doing this will change your life. So I’m dedicating an entire COACH MAGIC episode to this concept. The theme of this episode...
She let go. How good does it feel to say that? You become liberated when you release what no longer serves you – in business and beyond. And it’s not easy. You may spend a long time settling, tolerating, ignoring. When do you know it’s time to let go? When is it wise...
We need more money in the hands of women. This is good for us personally. This is good for our families. This is good for society. But how do you get past your money blocks? How do you get past your fears? Through changing the narrative and changing the game. It’s...