I attended a dear friend’s wedding in California this weekend that really got me thinking. You see, this dear friend and I were roomies in New York City in the early 2000s, which seems like a lifetime ago.  Memories came flooding back to that point in my life …

Back then, I used to wake up in the morning and want to stay curled up in my bed. Hiding.

I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I had images of being a rat in a cage. I was working like crazy in a corporate structure that wasn’t able to stretch with me the way I needed to stretch.

All that I thought I wanted, I had … but I still had that itch for something more.

Can you relate?

Even though deep down I knew I was meant to do more with my talents and gifts, I tried to hide from my truth. I found every excuse in the world to keep myself from serving the people I KNEW I was meant to serve.  I let others tell me that I should stay small and just keep doing what I was doing even though I didn’t like it.

I was suffering from a lack of confidence. And it was killing me.

You know what the trouble is with going through life that way?

You walk through your days in pain. It can feel really crappy. You know, the pain you feel when you KNOW you are not living to your potential. You KNOW you are not serving the people you were meant to serve with your big work.

Do you know the kind of pain that I’m talking about?

We all feel this at times in our life.

LIFE is what happens when you RISE ABOVE IT.

Years of therapy, of inner work, of yoga, of entrepreneurship, of motherhood, daughterhood, marriage, and healing from the loss of my sister have brought me to the place where I’ve risen above all that pain and inner chatter.

If you are ready to rise above it too, see what I’m sharing right here.

I think you’ll agree that this is exactly the “more” that you need.



P.S. If you missed out on my recent launch of the Gutsy Goddess Society’s Immersion Program “Soul Biz Journey” + “Feminine Fire Mastermind” due to missing the deadline or it being out of your reach in terms of budget, today is your lucky day.

You’ll see what I’m talking about here: http://jennyfenig.com/go-for-it/pathway

Hurry! The new spots in this brand new membership level will be snatched up fast.

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