Guest post by Jennifer Currie, Intuitive Coach + Spirit Artist,,


I’m a big believer in synchronicity, so I paid attention when Jenny approached me at a yoga class, introduced herself and told me about her business as a life coach.  As it turned out I had recently started my own business as an intuitive coach and spirit artist.  I was in the beginning stages of putting myself out in the world teaching, doing intuitive readings, and creating spirit portraits.  I was having a great time and following what I called an “organic” path.

When she asked me to speak at her Retreat for Goddesses and share some tools for cultivating and trusting your intuition, I saw it as a sign and said, “yes!”  I had no idea that this opportunity would be the push I needed to start seeing myself as an entrepreneur.

Several months later I was starting to feel the strain of my “organic” approach to business.  I was spread too thin trying to do everything myself, and what had begun as a joyful and enriching experience was starting to feel overwhelming. 

I knew something had to change, and right about this time Jenny’s Live Your Dream Challenge emails started landing in my inbox (there was that synchronicity again).  I decided to sign up.

I didn’t know exactly what to expect, but I happily threw myself into the first assignment to do a vision board.  I was amazed at how revealing this was, and I still have my vision board hanging above my desk.  Dreaming is something I’m very good at, but now I had a tangible reminder of my goals that helped me stay more focused and fueled.  I was off to a great start and each step along the way helped me fine-tune what I needed to do.


My biggest epiphany came when Jenny talked about creating support systems.  I knew I was in trouble because this was the first exercise that brought up a LOT of resistance for me.  I put if off for a few days and finally made myself sit down and go through the process.

As a result, I started to see exactly where I needed help, and my whole approach to business shifted.  Before this moment I was convinced that I had to do everything myself, but suddenly I was realizing that all the stalled projects and the areas of my life where I was most stressed were directly related to the areas where I wasn’t open to receiving help.  This awareness has not only helped my business it has shifted my life.

That was a couple of months ago.  Now I am in the process of revamping my website and the way I organize my business… and I’m doing it with the help of some talented experts.  My creative visions (big and small) are coming together with greater ease, and I’m getting to focus my talents where they naturally flourish – in my studio and with my clients.



Know this: dreams need teams. Sacred support systems will change EVERYTHING for you.

Want to SHIFT your business and your life, just like Jennifer?

This is it: it’s time to join us in the Live Your Dream Challenge.

Doors close TODAY … and you’ll receive your first AUDIO LESSON in your inbox today, too, guiding you to create your very own vision board just like Jennifer (isn’t hers amazing?!). I can’t wait to see what you create.

Let your BIG dream out. It will rock your world and shift EVERYTHING for the better. Watch and see.

LYDC bundle

What I know is this: this program WILL change your life and the course of your business path forever. Stop struggling. Stop trying to muscle your way through by yourself. Stop wasting your life and talents away!

Don’t be afraid. I’ve got your back and I want to help.


Jenny's Signature

P.S. This is it. Doors close TODAY. Come IN. We are waiting for you.

Our private member forum (which you’ll have LIFETIME access to) is hopping already. We want you in it!

Together, we’ll create the summer of your life.

Go for it.





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