spirit stick sisters

In a recent survey with entrepreneurs, I uncovered some major FEARS. Can you relate to any of this?


Loss of money

Not being able to get clients

That people won’t want to buy what I have to offer

If it’s not “perfect,” I can’t launch it

Spending money I don’t have

Not knowing how to get known to the clients who need me

Being visible

Not enough time to get it all done

Fear of success and leaving the pack behind

(The list goes on!)

If you said OMG YES, you’re not alone.

These issues DERAIL so many spiritual entrepreneurs … it really breaks my heart.

I should know – this stuff derailed me for SO many years in business … and still does at times.

These fears are deeply rooted in our old stories, our childhood, our past lives, our tissues.

As my yoga teacher Mark says, you’ve got to “release the issues in your tissues.”

These ISSUES are at the root of why you:

  • Play it safe in your business by being too “vanilla” in your messaging and marketing
    Hide behind your computer instead of getting out in real life and meeting prospects, clients and referral partners
  • Undercharge for your services and products and overservice your clients and customers because you have no boundaries
  • Have been tinkering around on your website for a year now and still have nothing to show for it
  • Are afraid to ask for the sale when talking to an amazing prospect
  • Make excuses (no money, no time, scared to travel) for why you can’t be attend an event that will change your business forever
  • Have inconsistent cash flow
  • Aren’t publishing regular pieces of high-value content and instead consume everyone else’s content and worry that you’ll never be “good enough”
  • Are afraid to step into a leadership role as head of the tribe you are here to serve

Unless you RELEASE these issues and truly say YES to growing your business by BUILDING YOUR TRIBE, you will stay exactly where you are now (or worse, you’ll quit because it will get too freakin’ hard).

YOUR TRIBE is your crew of ideal customers that you TOTALLY love helping.

There is a distinct subset of the population that is HUNGRY for the transformation you provide. Your tribe is SO attracted to you … and once you find them and they find you, well let’s just say that’s when you reach NIRVANA, baby.

As leader of the tribe, it’s your job to be pulled into their needs and giving them what they want on a regular basis. When you do, the rewards – financial, emotional, spiritual, physical, relationship and more – will BLOW you away.

I should know. I’ve built my 6-figure business (after a few years of not knowing what the hell I was doing!) by leading my tribe with courage and grace.

Here’s How I Did It

I launched my business in 2008, but it looked very different than it does now. Although I had been in the business sector my entire career, I had no clue how to run my OWN business. I wore every hat you can think of.

The one thing I was clear on was that I was here to serve women.

Gutsy women.

Mission-driven women.

Spiritual women who desire to walk an unconventional road sharing their gifts and talents with the world.

But the clarity about my tribe came from me taking imperfect action and course correcting as I go.

If there was one thing I was good at it was just GOING FOR IT and TRYING things to see what worked.

I refused to let anything stop me although there were MANY moments I wanted to give up because the money just wasn’t happening at the level I wanted it to.

And although I was attracting clients, they weren’t always the perfect fit … and I wasn’t brave enough to know when to decline an engagement because I was still muddy as to exactly WHO was in my tribe and who wasn’t.

I didn’t launch my website and newsletter until my business was 18 months old, and it took a few years for my email list to get past the 1,000 person mark.

And although I know proudly have 7,0000 people on my list, if I knew then what I know now … holy shit, I’d be much further along!

I wasted a lot of time on projects that simply didn’t matter. I chased distractions disguised as opportunities.

I was afraid to ask for what I wanted.

And I held myself back from being fully ME in my business for fear of being too “out there.”

Seeing other successful entrepreneurs doing their thing very successfully online, I often sat back like a “good girl” waiting for it to be my turn instead of standing up and claiming my space in the spotlight.

It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom in 2011 with a measly $1,500 in profits to show for my efforts that year when I said “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.”

Right then and there, I decided to FLY MY FREAK FLAG high and proud. I had something to say and people to serve and by God, I was going to do it now or never.

I was going to claim my EXPERT STATUS.

website banner

The next year – in 2012 – I led my business to $110,000 in revenue, quadrupling the revenues from the previous year.

The business has grown ever since.

I’ve launched program after program, hosted training after training, been a guest speaker on dozens and dozens of telesummits and events, written a bestselling book, launched a popular podcast, and created a slew of content that keeps my tribe engaged, served and growing.

People have called me a “Content Creation Machine.”

I enjoy consistent cash flow.

I have a kickass team (all virtual to suit my introvert style!).

Most importantly, I’m a mom to 3 young kids (7, 5, and almost 2!) and a wife to my fantastic husband Steven.

And I create my business schedule to fit into my active lifestyle with my family.

Family Pic in blue

How do I do it?

My building and leading my tribe of spiritual entrepreneurs just like YOU.

When I looked at the results of my recent survey I told you about earlier, a message hit me loud and clear:


This is the missing link for you.

Once you get this, everything will shift.




It’s time to earn the consistent income you deserve.

It’s time to help more people.

It’s time to attract better clients.

It’s time to have more fun.

It’s time to step into LEADERSHIP.

If you’re responsible for leading and growing your spiritual business, then this awesome tool will change the way you look at marketing.

What tool?


Puzzle graphic

Smart marketing leads to consistent cash flow.

When you understand the sacred marketing tools that are available, you can provide huge value to your tribe AND grow your business at the same time.

We created this beautiful Sacred Marketing Puzzle 1-page guide to simplify the often mysterious and confusing world of marketing. Trust me, you have what it takes to be a marketing pro once you stop taking the hard road!

(You may already have this guide as I originally launched it a few years ago, but we’ve recently evolved the design and content to better reflect what’s happening in the online business space right now.)

My intention is that this tool reminds you of the many ways you can connect with your tribe and spread your big message like wildfire.

Click here to request instant access.


P.S. This opt-in page is our highest converting page (meaning it’s a BIG hit with our tribe).

See what I mean here.

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