What are some of your favorite excuses?

Come on, you know you fall into these traps (we all do from time to time).

I don’t have time.

I can’t afford it.

I don’t have what it takes.

All the good ____________ are taken.

I’m too late.

I’m too old.

I’m too young.

I’m too fat.

I’m too skinny.

I’m too short.

I’m too tall.

I asked members of my tribe (grab your free spot in the Get Gutsy Galaxy here) to tell me about the excuses they hear or use. Love the responses …

  • Elaine Wellman: “Excuse I hear a lot – that’s the way I am. People who believe because they had a particular pattern in the past that is how it has to be.”
  • Cindy Taylor: “I always complain about no time, yet I waste a lot of time, then wonder what the heck where did my time go? Ha! Exercise is my go to me time, love it! Time management is key, and learning that my day goes well and my excuses leave.”
  • Jennifer Phillips: “Favorite excuse = I’ll do it tomorrow. I believe it is stepping OVER wanting, into DECIDING. Deciding you are going to HAVE IT. Claiming that it IS YOURS for the having. We can ALL want something. But it isn’t until we make the decision to move forward past our excuse, into new territory, that we experience new results.”

Whatever your excuse, it really boils down to >>> I’m not good enough.

I’ve got news for you … your excuses are BORING. And they’ll rob you of your destiny. Steal your joy. Keep you small.

You must DARE TO DECIDE to move forward.

You must DARE TO DECIDE to release your excuses.

I dedicate an entire chapter in Get Gutsy to this game-changing concept.

Amelia Earhart’s quote is printed at the beginning of this chapter. Here it is …

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.”

I Dare You

Remember when you were a kid and you would play “Truth or Dare?” I played that game. Did you? We would challenge someone by saying, “truth, dare, double dare, promise, or repeat.”

Then, the challengers would pick their poison. Sometimes, a person would flat out dare you to do something. Like, “Hey, Jenny! I dare you to do a back handspring in gym class today,” or “Jenny, I double dare you to kiss your boyfriend on the field trip this week.”

The whole idea was like, “Oh, my gosh! They dared me. I’ve gotta do it” (for better or worse). That was some powerful energy.

So, as I was boiling down the steps that I’ve taken to make my dream real and find my soul’s calling, this concept of daring to make a decision bubbled up because this is an area where I see so many women struggle.

As you become more clear and confident about who you are and what you want, and what your dream is, the process of making a decision becomes much, much easier.

“As you become more clear about who you really are, you will be better able to decide what is best for you the first time around.”

– Oprah Winfrey

Know this: you’re going to be presented with a series of opportunities, decisions, situations, people, places, and things, and it’s up to you to decide what is best for you.

You Must Be Able To Differentiate Between an Opportunity and a Distraction

Until you know what you care about, you will never be able to differentiate between an opportunity and a distraction.

So, so true.

When opportunities and distractions come your way, it is up to you to decide what you want to do about them. Do you engage or do you ignore?

  • Does this “opportunity” move you forward on the highest path for your soul? If so, it is in fact an opportunity.
  • Or does this “opportunity” take you on a side road that’s not in alignment with where you feel pulled to go? Then, it’s a dreaded distraction.

Learn to be discriminating. Learn to decipher. Learn to make a fucking decision.

Decisions carry so much energy. Decisions are the larger turning points in your life and on your path.

Some examples:

  • You want to make a decision to start a business while still working full-time in the job you hate or not.
  • You want to decide if you’re launching a new program or not.
  • You want to decide if you’re quitting your job and starting something new or not.
  • You want to decide to sign up for a training course that can totally skyrocket your business or not.
  • You want to decide to take on a new client that you have an uneasy feeling about or if you want to listen to your gut and say no thanks.
  • You want to decide to hire an assistant, so you can focus on being a CEO in your business or keep saying you “can’t afford it.”
  • You want to decide to get married to your partner or keep things as they are or end the relationship.
  • You want to decide to have a baby or not.
  • You want to decide to stay in your current apartment or look around for something better.
  • You want to decide if it’s a good idea to sell all your worldly possessions and travel around the world for an indefinite period of time.

They’re these massive, massive turning points in your life. It takes a boatload of courage to decide. When you do, it will change everything for you. And you can handle what happens next. You can. And you will.

Your excuses are boring.

Decide to make a move. And make that move. Don’t look back.

This is Jenny Fenig sending you so much love, light and faith as you GET GUTSY. I’ll see you next time.



P.S. Hey – ready to go on an adventure into the depths of your spirit and the heights of your potential …

… including a gorgeous retreat to COSTA RICA?

Come see what all the GLOW buzz is about >>


If you are excited by what you see, I invite you to fill out an application (limited spots available).

If you’re a fit for GLOW, we’ll then hop on a private call so I can learn more about you + your big vision + how I can help.

So excited to see who’s coming on this journey with me!

It’s GLOW time.


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