Do you ever get muddy on what your message is?

Does it ever feel clunky or less than compelling?

Your message is ESSENTIAL in capturing the attention of your audience. A strong message is critical to standing out in a crowded marketplace online.

It can’t be boring, generic or too “safe.”

There has to be electricity and truth to it.You have to be willing to “go there.”

I realized a truth about YOUR MESSAGE while on a hike.

When this truth dropped into me, I felt like an entire WORLD opened up inside, allowing my work with my tribe to go to another level.

It’s this: Your wound is your message.

Yes, the story (or stories) that you are most ashamed of is exactly the message that you are here to share in your work.

Because as you healed that shame, you found freedom.

You found relief.

You found yourself.

You freed that scared little child trapped inside of yourself and assured her or him: “You are worth loving. I’m proud of you. I’ve got you.”

This is an epic discovery … and it can feel scary.

But I’m here to tell you: you are safe to share.

As soon as I started sharing more of my shame and loss from my past … and how I broke free, that’s when my business took off.

All the love,


PS – A Sacred Messenger VIP Day with me is just one of the HOT BONUSES you get.

How do you get this bonus? When you sign up for Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass using my special link.

I’ll personally help you claim the message + stories you are uniquely qualified to share. Watch out, world.

Deadline to sign up is this Thursday, June 21 at 6 p.m. EST.

Deadline to qualify for the 1-day sacred retreat bonus at my beautiful home in the Berkshires is TODAY at 11:59 p.m. EST.

I’m so excited to work with you!

Click here to join.

PPS – I’m a proud affiliate of Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital Course. I deeply believe in her and this program and may earn a referral fee if you sign up from my recommendation.

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