I made an error!

Yesterday in my email to you, I shared my heart including my heartbreak from the recent tragedy in Pittsburgh.

But instead of writing Pittsburgh, I wrote Pittsfield. My apologies!

I had multiple things on my mind while writing – including going to Pittsfield, Massachusetts last night to attend a campaign rally for my friend Andrea Harrington who is running for District Attorney of Berkshire County.

I value getting my facts straight so wanted to correct my “city” error. I was trained as a journalist in college and can just see my Reporting Professor writing FACT ERROR on my email in red pen! Lesson learned.

Thanks for your understanding and thanks for being in my community.

But you know what? Mistakes often lead to something beautiful.

In this case, an email response from a woman in my community sharing about her son and his family living in the Squirrel Hill, the neighborhood in Pittsburgh where the shooting took place.

We got into an email exchange and I offered a book idea to her grandchildren who will deeply feel the impact of this tragedy.

Here’s what I wrote to her …

“I’m not sure the ages of your grandchildren, but my 9-year-old son just read “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry.

He was part of a bookclub and this was the book. It’s set in Denmark during the Nazi occupation, and is told through the eyes of an 11-year-old girl as her family helps her friend’s family escape to Sweden.

It’s an incredible story!

Major themes about bravery and heroism and doing the right thing in the face of hatred.

My mother-in-law escaped from Nazi Germany as a toddler with her parents. Her cousins escaped from Denmark to Sweden.

As I read the book with my son, I truly had an understanding of that time unlike I’ve ever had before.

Another reminder to be BRAVE now.” 

My son Sean created this poster yesterday for his class assignment. Love that he got to focus on how to resist hate through HEROISM.

As a mom, my heart breaks that kids have to learn that evil exists. We aren’t born with hate in our hearts. It’s learned.

This is the time to TAKE A STAND for what you know is real and right.

If you want more love, be loving.

If you want more truth, be truthful.

If you want more connection, connect!

I am passionate about nurturing a powerful community of women because we are the change we wish to see in this world. We are the lovers. We are the justice fighters. We are the resistance.

We are the magic makers.

Speaking of magic, today is pure magic!

It’s Halloween.

Did you know that Halloween evolved from a Sabbat called Samhain (pronounced Sow-in or Sow-wen), a 3-day ancient Celtic pagan festival?

From a fantastic Time magazine article about Samhain, “For the Celts, who lived during the Iron Age in what is now Ireland, Scotland, the U.K. and other parts of Northern Europe, Samhain (meaning literally, in modern Irish, “summer’s end”) marked the end of summer and kicked off the Celtic new year. Ushering in a new year signaled a time of both death and rebirth, something that was doubly symbolic because it coincided with the end of a bountiful harvest season and the beginning of a cold and dark winter season that would present plenty of challenges.”

This is the time of death and rebirth.

The thinning of the veil.

A time of introspection and reflection about your year to date … and where you are meant to go next.

It is a time to remember and honor our loved ones who have crossed over.

It is a time of deep spiritual connection, if you are open.

Speaking of being OPEN, keep your eyes open as we move into November. I’ll be sharing something powerful with you that has been marinating inside of me for a long time.

When it’s ready for you, I’ll let you know.

Until then, keep taking a stand. Keep making magic. Keep being brave.

I love you,


PS – Running a successful business doesn’t have to be complicated. You just have to know the steps to follow.

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