It’s not enough to simply throw out information and content and hope that it lands and hope that people then click the button to buy from you. You need to warm up your audience through the art of conversation and engagement. Think: talking WITH your audience vs talking AT them.

Today I’m sharing a few tips on how to use technology to connect instead of hide. The goal: allow your people to see that you are a real person who cares about them and is excited to help.

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Hey there, Jenny Fenig here coming to you with a quick tip to help you help more people grow your business and make more money. You need to be talking with your customers with your prospects, right. At them, this is the art of engagement. It's not enough to simply throw out information, throw out content and hope that it lands and hope that people then click the button or reach out to you to buy from you, to work with you.

You need to be mastering the art of conversation. This is about you really getting in there and connect. With your people. I love doing this one-on-one I am not afraid to have, um, connections over email, over Facebook messenger on social media, within a Facebook group. This has allowed me to really get in there and allow them to see that I am a real person who cares about them.

I'm not just trying to talk at them. I want to have a connect. With them. And this has greatly grown my business through the years. I am happy because I am in this to work with real people, not just to speak on a, on a screen and hide behind technology, which I see. So. Coaches and consultants and healers and creatives trying to do. You need to get in there and connect with your people.

Engage with them, have a conversation. You can also do this on the phone, over zoom . Get in there and have a conversation. Listen into it. Problems are what their challenges are. And then if you have the solution to that challenge and to that problem, let them know, invite them to take that next step with you.

Let me know how this tip works for you. What do you do to engage with your prospects ? Really nurture that connection. I look forward to hearing what works for you and what you're going to start doing as a result of listening to this message. Have a good one. Bye.

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