The journey as a coach is not linear. When I started my business in 2008, I had NO IDEA it would look the way it looks now. I just kept taking the next right step and following what lit me up. I kept looking for opportunities to serve and jumping in with both feet. And I always had full faith that it would work out because this is what I was made for.

Are you at a crossroads in your coaching journey? Feel like something is pulling you forward, but not quite sure what that is? You’ll love this episode. I reveal some of the moves I’ve made to take my business to where it is today and why I believe it’s still an incredible time to do this work – even though the market is more crowded than ever.


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I love leading group programs. I love leading transformational experiences for women. Okay. That's what I do for women, business owners, that's my jam. That's what I love. What I most want for you is to figure out what you love. Okay. Now when I was first a coach, I did not know I was going to be doing the things that I'm doing now, way back in the time machine in 2008, when I went through my coach training and I started working with one-on-one clients, like I just worked with anyone who was excited to work with me.

I was like, yeah, let's do it. I was just so, so pumped. I didn't have any kids then. Um, I got pregnant while I was going through the coach training. I had no idea it was going to look the way that it looks now. All I did was I kept taking the next right step and the next right step and the next right step.

Okay. I started really following my intuition more and more and more. I started leading live in-person circles, new moms support groups in Manhattan. That was a big piece of my growth was saying, I see an opportunity here. I'm a new mom. I want to help people talk about these things that, that I'm talking about too.

And I'm going to go step forward and do this. I'm going to raise my hand. I'm going to give out flyers on the streets of Manhattan on the upper west side, and I'm going to go do this. And then we grew it. I partnered with an organization who already had the community built in and I was the, I was the leader.

You know, I was leading these groups. I brought in more people to lead other groups that I couldn't lead and didn't want to be leading zillion groups all over the city.

I at that point started really wrapping my head around online that whole online business world. I signed up for my first high level mastermind. It was like $12,000. I signed up for that at the end of 2009. And I went through all of 2010. We moved from the city to where I am now and to the Berkshire's.

And I learned, I just like wrap my head around online, online, online, online, how to do this, how to build a community, how to build a list, how to put my work out there, how to put my message out there, um, how to leverage the tools that are available, the tech tools to lead, you know, we didn't even have live streams back then.

We could do like calls. We didn't have webinars. You know, we had calls where people would call into a bridge line and you would just talk on the bridge line, like, hi, welcome to the call. And they, if they had a question they could hit like star or something and, you know, the question would come over and then webinars came onto the scene.

So we were doing, um, webinars. But the webinars, I don't even think you could do your video. It was just slides. It was slides and then live stream started coming up, but it was like a real tricky thing to get your live stream technology you had to pay for the technology. There was no Facebook live or anything like that.

But what I did was simply just look at what was available and I listened to myself around what I was excited about and what I felt lit up by. And I just kept taking the next right step and the next right step and the next right step. And I wrote my book and I launched a podcast and I interviewed a lot of people and I put a program out and a program out and a program out and another program out and I lead retreats here, here, here, here, here, here.

Okay. And I'm still doing my thing. It's changed a lot, but when I really look at it, A lot has stayed the same. A lot has stayed the same in terms of using the tech tools that are available, keeping it as simple as possible. Okay. Deciding that at this stage in my life I don't want complexity in the business.

I don't want a big team. I want things to be as lean and simple as I can because of the season of life that I'm in period. And that's it. And so, you know, check in with me in 10 years, I'll let you know what has shifted when you know, Kate's 17 and Luke is 20 and Sean is 22. Things will be different then.

And that's cool. That's cool. And that's what I love about coaching. This field, this industry is that it will change as you do, and you can design it in a way that feels really nourishing. And that allows you to have the kind of life that you want. Cause I spent a lot of years where it was really work, work, work, work, work, work, work, and then the life I was trying to like, just get the life in there where I could.

And then that got old, that got really old. And so I'm very grateful that this industry exists. I'm grateful that this craft is a thing and that people want it and will pay for it. Incredible women like you have been stepping through my door since 2008 and I will always, always be humbled. And I'm just so, so excited by what has gone on and what will go on from here.

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