We ALL have old wounds, hurts and scars from “stuff” that has happened to us in the past. There’s no way we could have gotten to this point in our lives and not been “hurt” in some way.

As you continue to step out in your business and share your message with the world, your stuff will come up if you haven’t dealt with it. Guaranteed.

I hear from many of my colleagues who have achieved super-success that when they really started hitting their stride and breaking through huge goals they set for themselves, all hell breaks loose.

My clients have shared similar sentiments.

It’s part of the deal of what I like to call “upleveling.”

I actually shared some advice with a fellow mastermind buddy who was experiencing some crazy breakdowns (technology, personal, health, you name it) as she has totally rocked it in her business this year (close to a million dollars in revenue).

Here’s what I told her:

“You are moving up some levels and experiencing turbulence as you ascend. It’s normal. Deep breaths and remember to take care of yourSELF and your soul on the journey. If you do that then no matter what happens, you feel like you are in alignment with your truth. Keep the faith, girl.”

Not only do you need to keep the faith, but you also need to DROP the old baggage and hurts to make room for your next level of growth.

If you have that old stuff taking up space, you won’t have room for the wonderful opportunities, people and growth that are WAITING to come your way. You’ll stay stuck and stagnant and totally bummed out.

You’re better than that!

We’ll if you’re ready to BUST through this old stuff and go on a healing crusade, then you are in luck.

I’ve just launched a BRAND NEW video training series – “Soul Warrior Summit: Creating Space to Cash in on Your Calling” – and video #1 is ALL about letting go of old stuff and speaking your truth.

Have you signed up yet?

Cruise on over here now and join the journey.

The conversations are really getting juicy and your voice needs to be a part of it.

See you inside!

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