I Screwed Up (And What I’m Doing About It)
I was wrong. I was wrong. I got it wrong. As a recovering perfectionist, it feels good to admit when I'm wrong. Let me explain ... A few months back, I attended an amazing 2-day workshop led by one of my mentors. The investment was $6,500. And while the price was...
Have You Heard of Periscope?
Alright, there's a new app on the scene and I want YOU to know about it. There are so many social media tools to choose from that it can seem overwhelming to keep up. I ignore many tools (Snapchat, Google+, Pinterest), but embrace others that are awesome and fun and...
A Few More Hours Left
A few days ago one of my Get Gutsy Coach Training School grads shared a huge win in our forum: her first PAID coaching client. And this client paid in full ($1,500) for the transformation she was about to receive. My student is ECSTATIC about serving her new client....
“It’s Orgasmic,” She Said.
A few months ago, I received an email from a gal in my local community named Lacy. Something about it spoke to me very deeply. Lacy found me through my book “Get Gutsy” in our local bookstore called The Bookloft in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Lacy told me she...
What Earning $100K+ Taught Me
WOW! Big news today ... ready? I'm over the moon THRILLED to share my podcast interview on John Lee Dumas's Entrepreneur on Fire PODCAST. Have you listened to his podcast before? You'll LOVE the value you get from each episode, especially my episode that was released...
She Landed Her First Clients
Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend! We are heading up to Rhode Island today for a family getaway. Steven has some work there and we’re all going! My mom is even meeting us there and I’m so excited to spend time with her. Quick story for you … A few days ago, my...
Best Week Ever
Do you ever have one of those weeks that BLOWS your mind? That’s what I’m experiencing RIGHT NOW. From attending an amazing evening with Rob Bell at his "Everything Is Spiritual Tour" in Boston … to hosting the summer mastermind retreat for my Business Adventure...
Want to be a Coach?
I have a few questions for you: Have you been the go-to gal for advice from friends, family, colleagues and strangers for as long as you can remember? Do you love reminding people of their innate power and gifts? Do you have a knack for lasering in on an issue and...
Lessons Learned From My 20th High School Reunion
I’m back. Just experienced a major rite of passage. My 20-year high school reunion. Yes, it's been 20 years since the seniors of New Smyrna Beach High School in New Smyrna Beach, Florida walked across that graduation stage. The whole experience is still crystallizing...
Ready to ATTRACT IDEAL CLIENTS? This sacred MAP + MEDITATION shows you the way. And it's totally FREE!