Blog, Entrepreneurship, Love, Marketing, Personal growth
Do you know Elaine Wellman? Elaine and I met in 2008 in coaching school. She eventually became a client in several of my programs and masterminds. Then she became a friend. We have a shared love of spirituality, even going to see Joel Osteen together earlier this...
Blog, Entrepreneurship, Love, Marketing, Personal growth
How was your weekend? Hope it was extraordinary! We had a LONG one here for Memorial Day and it was absolutely divine to have some gorgeous space to just BE. RESTING on the weekend is absolutely crucial for me as I gear up for a HUGE month of June helping aspiring...
Blog, Entrepreneurship, Love, Marketing, Personal growth
As we shift into the unofficial start of summer this month (Memorial Day!), I am excited to feel more HEAT on my skin. HEAT is a powerful force in the world. In the yogic practice, TAPAS refers to heat … the burning away of impurities and old stuff that doesn’t serve...
Blog, Entrepreneurship, Love, Marketing, Personal growth
I hope you had a fabulous weekend! I rested A LOT after a successful launch of our course the Tribe Building Bootcamp. Wow! And several of our new Bootcampers also became students in Get Gutsy University. Talk about GROWTH! Congratulations to our crew of action...
Blog, Entrepreneurship, Love, Marketing, Personal growth
Want to make next week a week filled with growth, wonder and connection? I know I do! And I’m betting you do too. That’s why I’m leading the Tribe Building Challenge for 5 days starting THIS Monday, May 2. And I want you there! I’ll be straight with you … If you want...
Blog, Entrepreneurship, Love, Marketing, Personal growth
I’m back in the saddle after a glorious week of vacation. I was truly “off,” which led to some amazing realizations about moves I’m ready to make. Space to simply “be” vs constantly do, do, do is the key to growth for me. This is about...