It’s not enough to simply throw out information and content and hope that it lands and hope that people then click the button to buy from you. You need to warm up your audience through the art of conversation and engagement. Think: talking WITH your audience vs...
When you want to enroll for your offers and help more people, you’ve got to TALK IT UP. You’ve got to line up your message with your energy and speak your vision into reality. Words of wisdom: You can’t just mention your offer once and be done with it. You...
As you share more of your work, you can easily feel like you’re being judged. You can easily worry about people not liking what you have to say. And guess what? Some people will NOT like what you say or what you stand for. You know what else? THESE ARE NOT YOUR...
My husband Steven and I are celebrating 16 years of marriage. YAY! We met in 2003, got engaged in 2004 and got married in 2005. Honestly it feels like the time has FLOWN. When we met, I was working at a public relations agency in New York City. I was flying around the...
Do you want to have a higher income than you did last year? Do you want to do it in a way that feels really good and sustainable and supportive? You might have an old story that says the only way to increase your income is to work more hours (that you don’t have) … or...
I’ve been in the coaching industry for more than a decade. I am passionate about this work because it changes lives so deeply. I am also SUPER passionate about helping coaches, healers and transformational teachers to succeed in their businesses. There are so many...