I observed Yom Kippur a few days ago. Temple, fasting, the whole nine yards.

Yom Kippur is about forgiveness: forgiving others for the wrongs they may have committed in our lives, seeking others’ forgiveness for our own shortcomings, and seeking our Higher Power’s forgiveness as well.

Jews observe this day on the Hebrew calendar for intense self-reflection: Why are we here? What does it mean to be alive in the few decades that mark human existence? What is our soul meant to accomplish here on earth? And how can we better fulfill this mission in the new year that is just begun?

I wasn’t raised Jewish, but my husband was.

Now that we have 2 young boys, I’ve thought more and more about the role of spirituality in our lives.

We’re still exploring what works for us as a family, but we do love reading about each holiday and weaving in rituals and memories.

As I was reading my “Jewish Holiday and Sabbath Journal,” I was taken by this passage:

“Yom Kippur empowers us to focus on life’s most serious and important questions. Fasting and heartfelt prayer are time-honored tools that help in this process. We each have a mission on earth for an allotted period of time. Our dedication, intentionality, and spiritual sensitivity are instruments for achieving it. Now is the time to meditate about our mission and show to best involve others in our life’s momentous voyage.”

Then at temple on the evening of Yom Kippur, the rabbi talked about having moral grandeur and spiritual audacity. Totally struck a chord with me.

Right then and there, I thought …

“Let’s let go of the past and recommit to how we want to show up in the world. Every day is a new day to begin fresh … and be audacious in our choices.”

Audacious is an under-used word in our society, but I encourage you to embody it more fully to achieve the results you deserve.

Here’s a definition …


The willingness to take bold risks: “her audacity came in handy during our most recent emergency”.

You want QUANTUM LEAPS in your business, life and spirit, right?

Know this: You must be more audacious. Gutsy. Ballsy. Bold.

Plan your first event. Land the client. Raise your rates. Launch your new website. Get beautiful headshots taken. Hire your first team member. Plan your exit strategy from the job that’s making you sick. Sign up for the program that will push you to really get out there.

Do the thing that scares you because you know it’s exactly what you need.

Get it?

If you’re ready to embrace your audacity in your business path and life mission, I invite you to check out what we have to offer you in the Gutsy Goddess Society Immersion Program.

All gutsy gals committed to serious growth, adventure and visibility are encouraged to apply before our deadline of Monday, October 1. Good luck and go for it!


In the comments section below, please share! I’m curious, how will you be more AUDACIOUS in your business and life?

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