Today I want to talk to you about the C word: CONFIDENCE.

In my work with women, I find the BIGGEST obstacle holding them back from the success they deserve in their business is not lack of intelligence or experience or connections. No, they’ve got those elements in spades.

It’s lack of CONFIDENCE and listening to the Nasty Inner Critic vs. the Wise Inner Voice.


I’ve got news for you. The most successful people in the world aren’t necessarily the smartest or the ones who worked the hardest, they are the ones with the most CONFIDENCE and GUTS.

Being confident doesn’t mean you’re never scared. Oh no, quite the contrary. But confidence means that you move forward EVEN WHEN you are scared. You learn to listen to your intuition and your body and you have faith that you are on a divine mission to share your gift and calling with the world.

So … let’s make this point actionable for you today.

Do you discount your talents and gifts thinking they are “no big deal?”

When you get a compliment, are you able to accept it with grace or do you deflect it, not liking the attention someone is placing on you?

Are you able to put yourself out there in your business and life (even when you’re not sure what they outcome will be)?

Confidence is the secret sauce of every gutsy goddess.

Pic - Goddess

Confidence, confidence, confidence.

Today, I’d like you to look at yourself in the mirror and repeat these words:

“I am smart. I am capable. I am beautiful. I am here to make a huge contribution in the world.”

If you want to be extra sassy, take a lipstick and write I LOVE YOU inside a giant heart on your bathroom mirror. Look at that message often ☺

Flying heart

You are loved. Deeply, deeply loved.


Want to boost your CONFIDENCE in one of the most sacred spots in the world? Come to the Retreat for Goddesses, July 24 – 26, 2013 in the Catskill Mountains of New York. You’ll go home changed for the better. This is our third annual (and LAST EVER) Retreat for Goddesses. It will be our best. Reserve your spot now and cash in on your calling.
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