I appreciate you.

On this day of THANKSGIVING here in the United States, I want to remind you that YOU MATTER.

Your VOICE matters.

Your CONTRIBUTION matters.

Your SOUL matters.

Some quick tips to bring extra meaning to this day:

  • Get out a piece of paper and write down 10 things you’re grateful for.
  • Breathe consciously all day. Deep inhale. Cleansing exhale.
  • Bless your meal and savor every bite. Eat slowly.
  • Create “I’m thankful for you” notes and put them on random people’s cars! Imagine the smiles you’ll inspire.
  • Don’t get wrapped up in the commercialism that runs rampant at this time of year (unless you want to). Choose the way you want to celebrate the holidays. Make it meaningful to YOU.
  • Think about how far you’ve come in 2014. Next year will be even more beautiful. Trust this. (And if you want help with your sacred biz, it’s available here.)

I’m grateful for you, a fellow soul sister on the path …

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