
Bring it on, 2017!

Taking a digital detox was such an amazing way to close out 2016 and usher in a brand new year.

There’s so much noise out in the world – you must consciously choose what you consume as that becomes your life.

Hitting the pause button is such a gift. I can’t recommend it enough.

I am feeling clear, free and strong. My thoughts are my own. My vision is exciting and expansive.

As the clock struck midnight on January 1, it was completely quiet in my house. Everyone was asleep, except me.

I got into a squatting position (malasana) and looked out at the starry night sky and meditated on the huge stretch of canvas in front of us.

The story is waiting to be written.

Choose your next chapter wisely.

Remember you can’t control everything that’s happening to you.

But you do have control over your attitude and your choices.

You can control who you are attracting into your life and business.

Because the people in your world are a direct reflection of you and the energy you are putting out into the world.

And that’s a good thing.

Because what you put out, you get back.

I’ve heard this concept time and time again, but it was further reiterated in John C. Maxwell’s book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.”

It’s a BIG book that I’ve been reading alongside my GLOW mastermind clients.

If you haven’t yet read it, I suggest you do this year.

Are you putting out lots of positivity and optimism and faith? Or are you a “woe is me … the world is going to hell in a handbasket” kind of person?

Neither polarity is good nor bad. Simply notice the way you’re rolling and know that what you put out, you get back.


What do YOU want to experience in 2017?

What do YOU want to create?

This is it.

This is your time.

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for.

One of my favorite questions to ask myself when a desire is calling my name …

“If not now, when?”

It gets right to the point.

Most often, the time is NOW to take action.

But not always.

If NOW is not the time, then claim a better time. And write that shit down.

Case in point: my upcoming mastermind retreat to Costa Rica.

Honestly, I didn’t even remember that I wrote down several years ago that I’d be leading a retreat in Costa Rica.

On New Year’s Eve, I got a massive charge of energy to declutter my office. I went through papers that were so old and representative of my earlier days in business.

It felt amazing to throw away bags and bags of stuff I was ready to release. (Highly recommend you do this regularly, by the way!)

And during the process I came across an old goal sheet that stated I’d be leading a retreat in Costa Rica in 2015.

I was shocked!

Specifically because I don’t remember writing this at all.

And because I AM leading a retreat in Costa Rica next week – in January 2017.

Alright, so maybe the timing didn’t completely sync up with my original goal, but it honestly doesn’t matter.

The point is: IT’S HAPPENING.

This is my first time leading a retreat outside of the United States.

It feels big and expansive.

So for you … WRITE DOWN what you want to do and when you want to do it.

It’s not even important if you see what you wrote everyday.

It’s helpful if you DO see it everyday as you’ll tend to manifest it more quickly if it’s top of mind.

Vision boards are truly helpful here too.

My kids created their vision boards on New Year’s Eve. So fun. It’s our annual tradition.



I created one for our family too.

It had been a long time since I’d done a family-only vision board as I’ve been so focused on my business for many years, but this year especially I have a big family focus. So a family vision board makes a lot of sense.



Some of my earlier vision boards have imagery of India on them.

Ever since I trained to become a yoga teacher 10 years ago, I knew I would go to India. It’s the motherland of yoga.

Reading the book “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert impacted me greatly about my idea to visit India.


I didn’t rush the trip, trusting it would present itself in a beautiful way, at the ideal time.

And it has.

I’m heading to India for a yoga retreat in May, which just so happens to be the month I’m turning 40.

The trip came together in the easiest way.

It was divinely orchestrated.

I wrote down my desires. I vision boarded about them.

And when the opportunity presented itself, I was an easy YES.

Know this: opportunities will present themselves to you ALL THE TIME.

It’s up to you to recognize them when they show up.

Opportunities are often disguised as work.

Often opportunities require an investment of time, money and energy.

Don’t be afraid of putting skin in the game to live a life beyond your wildest dreams.

It’s part of the package.

Want to open up to more blessings?

Be willing to shoulder more responsibilities.

Be willing to handle more perceived “burdens” in the form of critics, financial pressures, visibility, projects.

To bring this episode to a head: a key piece to your growth in 2017 is TAKING ACTION.

My favorite formula >> Conscious stillness followed by inspired action.

That’s what my holiday break was all about.

Where I tuned out the external.

And came back to what’s real inside of me.

Came back to my why.

Came back to my essence.




Reignited my flame.

Let go of all I’ve outgrown.

Got down deep with my fear and asked it what it’s protecting me from.

And decided to walk through the fire of my fear anyway.

Because I know that action is where it’s at.

Big shout-out to the amazing Carrie Fisher who recently passed away. She has a gorgeous line in her 2008 book “Wishful Drinking” >>

“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.”


A key piece of Get Gutsy Coach Training School is to boost the confidence of the lightworker leaders who join our student body.

We do this by establishing a healthy foundation for your work … and moving you into inspired, aligned action.

Have you heard the exciting new?

We have RE-OPENED enrollment for our January class of Get Gutsy Coach Training School for today and tomorrow only.

And we have added in a NEW extended payment plan that will get you into the program for less than $300 a month.

If becoming a successful spirit-led coach is one of your dreams in 2017, then I want to help you live your dream TODAY.

Doors close (for good!) tomorrow – Wednesday, January 4 at 9 p.m. EST.

Click here to secure your spot >>


If not now, when?

That’s the magic question in 2017.

Let’s go.

Thank you for being in my world.

We have so many places to go together. I know with every fiber of my being this year is going to be extraordinary.

This is Jenny Fenig sending you so much love, light + faith as you GET GUTSY.

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