Are You Getting Busy Living or Dying_

Do you want to know one thing that will start shifting EVERYTHING for you in 2015?

Here it is: be willing to try new things, fall down, learn and keep moving in a direction that allows you to expand into your next chapter.

You are here to grow.

You are here to make an impact.

You are here to evolve into the fullest creative expression of who you truly are.

This means that 2015 is the year you sign up for the new class, the year that you say yes to the trip to Italy you’ve been putting off for way too long.

It’s the year that you launch your new website and sign your biggest client yet.

It’s the year you join a business mastermind group that will help you take your idea to the next level.

It’s the year you learn how to paint.

It’s the year that you ask the cute guy or girl out on a date.

It’s the year that you have a baby … or decide not to have a baby and be okay with that.

It’s the year you take Fridays off because you like having long weekends every weekend.

It’s the year you set a sky-high revenue goal for yourself because it means you’ll be impacting more lives when you do.

It’s the year you decide to work with a mentor because you have finally admitted to yourself that there’s no point in taking the hard or lonely way to get to where you want to be.

It’s the year that you love with every fiber of your being and the year that you let people know how much you care.

It’s the year that you stop worrying about money and instead decide to appreciate money as the sacred tool that it is.

It’s the year that you say YES when you mean it, NO when you mean it, and don’t waste any energy feeling guilty for speaking your truth.

It’s the year you bring ALL of you to every situation because you know there is nothing to hide.

It’s the year that you fly your freak flag with pride.

2015 is the year you know what it feels like to be truly alive.

“I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying.” – Andy in Shawshank Redemption

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