
Imagine this:

  • You launch your newest creation online and within days it sells out
  • You write a blog post that goes viral, netting you an invitation to speak at a MAJOR industry event
  • You receive cards, gifts, emails, phone calls from happy clients, customers and fans thanking you for changing their life
  • You build a community of thousands of like-minded peeps eager to hear your message and learn from you
  • Your email is filled with opportunities from prospects and sales from customers – and this all happened through the power of automation
  • You design a lifestyle that fuels you on the deepest level
  • You can’t wait to get to work everyday doing exactly what you were put on earth to do

It’s all possible. All of it. All of your crazy drama around not enough clients and not enough cash flow and not enough time can go away.

But not until you GET KNOWN ONLINE.

The Internet is here to stay and it’s up to you to maximize it to its full potential to help those beautiful people you are here to serve.

Ready to step up and get serious about growing your body of work?

In a survey with entrepreneurs, I uncovered some major FEARS. Can you relate to any of this?

  • Failure
  • Loss of money
  • Not being able to get clients
  • That people won’t want to buy what you have to offer
  • If it’s not “perfect,” you can’t launch it
  • Spending money you don’t have
  • Not knowing how to get known to the clients who need you
  • Being visible
  • Not enough time to get it all done
  • Fear of success and leaving the pack behind
  • (The list goes on!)

If you said OMG YES, you’re not alone.

I’ve been there, done that since I started on this entrepreneurial path in 2008.

When I left my lucrative corporate life behind in November 2007, I didn’t realize all of the pieces of the puzzle that would be required to succeed as a coach.

I thought just being an AMAZING COACH would be enough.

No, no, no.

I was wrong.

It was when I started learning from entrepreneurial powerhouses who had created HUGE engaged tribes that I realized the power of TRIBES.

And since then, I’ve been on a mission: to lead my tribe of spiritual business leaders to answer the call of their soul through their gorgeous body of work.

Because I didn’t want to cap out at only being able to help a handful of clients at once.

My time on this planet, in this body, in this lifetime is limited.

I’m not going to be selfish by keeping my gifts to myself or only sharing them with my private clients.

I KNOW it’s possible to touch millions of lives with my message.

And I know it’s possible for you too.

It’s time to go further.

How have I attracted a community of tens of thousands of email subscribers, readers, podcast listeners and social media fans?

I FLY MY FREAK FLAG high and proud.


That’s right.

I don’t try to be like everyone else in the coaching space.

I REVEL in being my unique self.

And I bring this into all I do.

At my live retreats, I’ve incorporated amazing experiences like firewalking, hiking, vision boarding, hula hooping, yoga, hot tub masterminding, dancing, healing circles, and shamanic rituals … to open up crucial space for business growth.

In my courses and programs, I weave in guided visualization and meditation to anchor in the experience.

On my podcast, I’m totally me. I say whatever flows through me. I don’t censor or edit out the realness.

In my book, I GO THERE. I expose the deepest parts of my story to give the reader permission to celebrate the wound that is your message.

3d book image

We believe in creating a high-touch company to make our students and clients feel welcome and loved.

Cards in the mail, notebook covers featuring student photos, and welcome phone calls are standard operating procedure for our sacred leadership incubator and mastermind called GLOW and our epic experience for coaches called Get Gutsy Coach Training School.

GET GUTSY GALAXY is the name of our tribe.

I’ve been into celestial energy and space since I was a little girl.

I even went to Space Camp when I was in middle school and was Commander of our mission (had to apply for that position and write an essay about why I was the right person for the job).

The stars, sun, moon, planets and galaxies totally inspire me. Hence the GALAXY name and branding for my tribe.

I LOVE coming up with names and taglines and brand identity for my creations. And I LOVE helping my clients with this. It’s DEFINITELY in my Zone of Genius.

A total blast for me.

And a total game-changer for your business.

This is how you’ll get the attention of your tribe.

With the world moving a million miles a minute these days, you have to be compelling to get anyone to stop and stay for a while.

This is an art and a science.

And it’s totally doable.

When you know what’s up with your people.

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Tribes matter.

It’s a crucial piece in your puzzle.


This is the missing link for you.

Until you truly say YES to growing your business by BUILDING YOUR TRIBE, you will stay exactly where you are now (or worse, you’ll quit because it will get too freakin’ hard).

Once you get this, everything will shift. EVERYTHING.

One of my favorite quotes of all time about the power of a TRIBE can be found on this gorgeous graphic:

tribe weirdos

That’s right: Your vibe attracts your tribe.

For sure.

Want to learn about how to FLY YOUR FREAK FLAG + ENGAGE YOUR TRIBE on a free training I’m leading?

Awesome because I’m diving DEEP on how this as one of the 6 golden keys to grow your spiritual online business in a free webinar on Thursday, August 11.

Click here to reserve your spot on the webinar now.

It’s also the anniversary of something really significant in my life that I’ll share more about on the free training.

Would love to have you join us!

Click here to reserve your spot on the webinar now.

Touch more lives with your message.

Leverage the tools of technology to expand your platform and make more money.

Launch your course.

Lead your retreat.

Close more sales, with ease and grace.

Rise higher as a LEADER in service to your tribe.

Help more people.

Have more fun.

It’s time to GLOW.

Click here to reserve your spot on the webinar now.


And I’d love to read your COMMENTS below… Your vibe attracts your tribe. What’s your vibe? Who’s in your tribe?

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