I posted a phrase on Facebook yesterday that got a lot of response >>

the only way out is through

The only way out is through.

No truer words were ever spoken.

The thing you’re struggling with now? The thing that is holding you back from being your best?

You can’t avoid it forever. You can’t numb it. You can’t shove it under the rug.

Deal with it or it will deal with you.

TRUTH >> You’ve got to GO THROUGH IT to get to where you want to be.

And when it comes to growing your business, make no mistake about it >> THIS IS VERY PERSONAL.

The stuff happening in your personal life impacts your business. And what happens in your business impacts your personal life.

It’s all connected. And this is a beautiful thing.

The more I’ve grown my business and my position as a leader, the more I’ve been forced to let go of people, places and things in my life that can’t (or don’t want to) come with me.

the only way out is through

Because I’m a different person now than when I started 10 years ago.

This has been heartbreaking and liberating simultaneously.

One personal area that I chose to GO THROUGH was my relationship with my mother. I love my mother and am grateful for the many lessons she has taught me … and our relationship has been difficult for as long as I can remember.

I tried EVERYTHING to fix it. To try not to be so impacted.

But it was once my children came into the picture, that it became clear that my mother could not be in my life anymore.

I tried to avoid this “reality” for years. But early last year I finally got the courage to GO THROUGH IT to the other side. I didn’t know exactly where this decision was taking me. I just knew I couldn’t keep doing things the way that had always been done.

This realization actually became clear while I was leading a retreat in Costa Rica in 2017 (the power of retreats!).

Honestly, my life is so much more peaceful and calm. I made the decision for the health of my family.

I love my mother and pray for her. I write her letters sometimes that I don’t send (it’s more my soul speaking to hers).

I know this is for the best.

I’ve learned how to mother myself and have attracted wonderful mother-type relationships in my life.

Terrified. That’s the best word to describe how I felt while contemplating to share the truth of my decision last October with my community. The scared little girl in me thought I’d “get in trouble.”

But through my business and years of healing work, I’ve gotten in the practice of telling the truth in all areas. Why would this area need to be any different? I knew I didn’t need to be ashamed as I hadn’t done anything wrong. I had made my decision out of love.

Get this … when I shared this truth that I had kept hidden for 10 months, well that month was the highest revenue month ($55,000) in the history of my business.

Coincidence? I think not.

Who you become on this journey of helping more people with your sacred work is the REASON you will walk through the many transformative fires you’ll encounter on this path.

Those fires will allow what can’t come with you to fall away.

You’ll feel a piece of you is dying.

Do not be afraid.

The good news here >> you don’t need to do this work alone.

All love,


P.S. A few questions for you >>

>> Do you want to get your message and sacred work in front of more of the people who need you?

>> Tired of posting your messages and offers online and getting very little response?

>> Are you secretly afraid that this whole working for yourself dream is never going to pan out?

>> Are you tired of just barely scratching the surface on what’s possible for your impact, influence and income?

I can help you. Here’s how >> for the first-time ever I’m leading a 3-day training (online!) on how to build your POWER BRAND!

We start TOMORROW.

Click here to reserve your spot.

If you’re doing business online, having a POWER BRAND is essential. Your digital brand (and the stellar reputation that backs it up) nets you clients, cash, opportunities and an amazing life.

Come with me as I help you STAND OUT so that your dream clients find you, follow you and buy from you.

Over the course of 3 days, I’m going to show you how to …

>> Show up powerfully + consistently online to connect with your audience

>> Claim what you stand for through visuals, words and video

>> Choose which social media platforms to go all in on

>> Decide what kind of content to create, how often + where to publish

>> Overcome fear + doubt that you can create a successful business where clients jump at the chance to work with you

>> Establish yourself as an expert

Click here to reserve your spot.

P.PS. If you’ve already signed up, see you tomorrow!

Spread the word to your friends >> http://jennyfenig.com/brand

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