Welcome to the start of something special: COACH MAGIC! This is our brand new show and I’m so excited to welcome you here.

A bit of backstory …

After publishing the GET GUTSY podcast for more than 4 years, it stopped feeling aligned in early 2020. I had done all I wanted to do with that podcast. It was complete. I was complete. So I stopped and focused on other things. It was absolutely the right call. Space is a beautiful thing.

A few months ago, I hosted a livestream show for a few weeks called COACH MAGIC. I loved the container. I loved breathing life into this content. So I decided to keep it going by launching a new podcast and YouTube show called COACH MAGIC. And we got to work making this idea real.

I got clear about how I want this to work for me and for you. Most importantly, I got clear about how I want this to feel.

I want it to feel really easy and fun.

I want it to give me energy vs. take energy.

I want it to largely use existing content (we have so much good stuff that can be repurposed!).

I want it to be something simple + potent that you can tune into on the go.

I want it to be something we can publish across multiple platforms.

And here we are! Yay.

The big lesson: how you choose to show up in your business (and life) can feel easy and fun. You make the rules.

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Thanks for tuning in to this WELCOME episode of COACH MAGIC! Let’s get started.


Hey there. It's Jenny Fenig and I'm so excited to welcome you to coach magic. This is our new show that you are going to absolutely love. And I am going to love serving up to you.

That is my litmus test for do I want to do something? Can I love it? Can I get myself behind it? And as I was really tuning in.
Recently saying, how do I want to serve up some content for my incredible people? I knew coach magic was the way if you're new to my world. Hello. I'm so glad you're here. I am. And intuitive business coach for incredible women who are here to make a difference with your gifts. You want to serve more people, make more money and feel good as you do good.

That's the vibe, that's the thing. And for many, many years, I had a different show called get gutsy from my get gutsy audience. I'm so glad that you're here. And now we're doing something different. I knew that that previous podcast was complete and I gave myself some space to say, Hey, where do I want to go next?

Where am I being called to serve? What am I being called to talk about? And. Coach magic knocked on my door and said, Hey, let's do this thing. Get in the car. Let's go. And that's often how ideas work, right? I kind of pull up the side and say, Hey, you want to play? You want to do this thing? And that's what we're going to do here in coach magic.

My intent with this is that it gives you inspiration, motivation ideas that you can play with in your business. All right. You have people to help you have money to make you have a life to live. And we're going to do this thing because this is your opportunity.

The fact that we are all alive right now is the best gift that we can have. And. I am here to say, let's do something with it. One of my audience members in a recent talk, I gave shared a mantra that they use when they get up every day to get them in gear. And I want to share it with you because it's just so profound.

I'm alive and breathing. Now, let me do something with it. I'm alive and breathing. Now, let me do something with it. And so that's the vibe here in coach magic. We're alive, we're breathing. Let us do something with it. And I know that you need support and you are worthy of support. And that's why coach magic is here.

This show is dedicated to helping you get confident, focused and paid. And when I was really tuning in as to the overall. Experience that I want to share with you and that place that I want to help you go. I got very clear that what we're playing with here in coach magic is to help you create a life business and family that is beyond your wildest dreams.

I am a mom of three. I haven't incredible husband. We have a lot of animals who share a home with us, and I want to let it be known that we can do incredible work in the world with our clients. We can serve the most amazing people. We can make really good money and we can do it alongside.

Raising a family and having a life that we get the time to live. All right. This was not the way it was for me. When I was getting raised up in my former corporate life, where I worked all the time . And I knew back then the thought it was not how I wanted it to be for me.

I wanted to have more flexibility in my schedule. I wanted to decide which projects I worked on. I want to decide with whom I worked and I really wanted to. Give myself to the world in the way that I am made for, and I wanted to do it on my terms and I am. And that's really the crux of coach magic, whether or not you are a coach.

My idea here is that I will be your coach or one of your coaches helping walk you through this wild journey called life. And I want to remind you what you're made of. You're incredible. You're a gift. You are here to do the most amazing things just because, and this show is going to be that companion to you.

To help you simply take the next right step. So I'm so glad you're here. We're going to go on quite a journey together.

We're going to simply flow with this show. We're going to go where it wants to go. I will be serving up the content that I feel inspired to share with you and my vision. And my hope is that you receive it with an open heart and that you do whatever you're meant to do with it, that it gets you out there in a bigger way that it reminds you that you are a magic maker. The more that you shine your light, the more that you speak your truth, the more that you take that stand for what you believe in and you hold firm on the value that you offer. The further you're going to go. The more people you're going to help, the more money you're going to make.

And the more freaking fun you're going to have, I am here for it. So again, thanks so much for being here. I'm Jenny. Fenig. Let's get it started.

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