I’ve been in the coaching industry for more than a decade. I am passionate about this work because it changes lives so deeply. I am also SUPER passionate about helping coaches, healers and transformational teachers to succeed in their businesses. 

There are so many people who need your help. And when you line up your offerings and energy with soul clients who need your help and will pay to get that help: there is no limit to how far you can go. 

A key to your success here is getting super clear about who your work is for (it’s not for everyone) and magnetizing those soul clients to you.

Another key to your success is being willing to price your work at the level that it really needs to be in order to be exciting for you and to really be an expansive opportunity for your clients.

This episode dives into these critical keys.

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Enjoy this episode of COACH MAGIC and thanks for tuning in!

What is it that you are building? What is it that you are wanting to do for your clients, with your clients this year? I encourage you to be as specific as you can to really get in there and to look at this is what I'm called to do.

This is how I want to bring it forth and make it come alive. The more that you will magnetize those people to you who want that too, they want to do that with you. They want to be a part of this experience that you are. Offering them. Okay. So that's really what your responsibility is to grow your coaching business, your healing business, your wellness business.

You've got to say, this is what I want to create. Here's why, and then you're going to get out there and do it. And we want to be really specific about who it is that our work is for like who it is that our work is for. And that's the whole spirit of what we're talking about today. Higher love. Higher love.

Really tap into that love that you have in your heart for your people.

And you know, when I say your people think about all the people who are important in your world and absolutely include those people in your business, because if you don't feel that genuine love for your audience, then. You might be talking to the wrong audience. You are allowed to say these are the people that my work is best for because when you get, you know, really sync up here, then you can collectively.

Go to that higher level . So your work is to say these are the people who are uniquely designed to do the things that I am going to help them do. Okay. And to not try to get other people who just are not into it to be into it, you want the A-players you want the ones who are all in.

You want the ones who are super fired up are like, yes, let's go. When do we start? How do I sign up I'm in and who are going to show up for the work? And who are going to do what they say they're going to do. This is the stuff that makes it so enjoyable for you and will allow you to really love your work.

Love your business, love the fact that you're going to put in time to it. And you know, that time means that you can't be. You know, like that, that you're going to, I want to say make sacrifices, but you're going to make choices about, Hey, I'm going to put in some time over here. And maybe that means I'm not, um, you know, sitting on the couch all day, chilling, watching movies, but instead I am, you know, really going to go for it here in my work.

And I'm willing because it's worth it. It's worth it because this is you expressing the love that you have in your heart. For your people for this call that's been placed upon you.

Another thing I want to share with you is to really be willing to value what you're putting out there, value your work.
I've seen happen sometimes is a lack of willingness to really price your work at the level that it really needs to be in order to be exciting for you and to really be an expansive opportunity for your clients.

When I price my stuff, I, this is a real process for me. I feel into it. It's a conversation I have with the actual container, with the program and with my own heart of here's where this needs to be in order to provide the greatest transformation for my people, for my clients, because I know when I am going to lead something I'm going to show up for it a hundred percent. Like I'm going to be all in. And so I want to create that container. I want to create that program, that package, um, that offer in a way that my client. Is going to take full advantage of what we're doing together. They are going to be stretched. They are going to be inspired.

They are going to be motivated and they're not going to flake out. Okay. That is what I do. And so I want you all to think about, as you are creating what you're going to be creating this year. How do you want to design it? How can you put forth your offer? Okay. In a way that you're excited to sell it and your people are excited.

To buy it. Okay. And more than just excited, they are excited to show up for it. They are excited to really be an active, engaged participant in this experience. Okay. That is when you go to that higher level, that is when you experience that higher love. Okay. That higher love, because when you feel like, Oh my goodness, your business is doing what it's meant to do.

It's providing you the financial rewards that you need and you deserve based on the value that you're putting out in the world. And your clients are a pleasure to work with because they are just totally showing up for what they need to, in order to accomplish their goals. Then you've really hit that trifecta.

Okay. So that is my encouragement for you. That is my desire for you, that you play with as you really tune into here's where you're meant to go next. Be really mindful of selling yourself short because when you sell yourself short, you sell the client short and you're not able to deliver that client experience that you really want to.

And honestly, this is what a lot of coaches do in the market. They aren't really clear on what the business could look like. And then they end up burning out and not understanding why there's kind of. Never enough to have a healthy, sustainable operation. So this is really what my work is dedicated to.

I want to invite you to really ask yourself what needs to happen for you to take that next right step in your business. If you were to wave that magic wand, what would be the thing that you would create this year in your business?
Like what will happen? What will happen in your business this year for you to say yes, yes, we did it.

What do you want to have happen this year in your work? So that when you get to the end of this year, you're like, yes, yes. And it should stretch you. It should challenge you.

That is my deep desire for you. From my heart to yours, that is my desire for you.

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