Doing Your Taxes Bum You Out?
Let’s talk about money for a minute. I was surprised to hear some of our tribe members recently talking about how bummed they were to realize when they completed their 2015 taxes that they hadn’t made any money in their business. Listen – it’s normal for new...
I’m a Believer with Alison Leipzig
[smart_track_player url="" title="Alison Leipzig" artist="JENNY FENIG INTERVIEWS" image=""...
Spiritual Teachers + Spirit Guides
[smart_track_player url="" title="Jenny Fenig" artist="GET GUTSY EPISODE FEATURING" image=""...
3 Keys to Getting More Clients Now
I’ve been in business for myself since 2008. A lot has changed in the online space since then. A LOT. But one thing hasn’t changed: YOU NEED CLIENTS + CUSTOMERS TO STAY IN BUSINESS. How are you doing here? Feeling confident or feeling lost? I have discovered there are...
Confused by the Tech Stuff in Your Online Business?
I've been consulting privately with a few clients around how to take their online businesses to the next level. It was very clear to me what each one of these entrepreneurs at the earlier stages of online business needed to do: SIMPLIFY their business offerings, CLEAN...
Cycles + Seasons with Amanda Moxley
[smart_track_player url="" title="Amanda Moxley" artist="JENNY FENIG INTERVIEWS" image=""...
My Night With Joel Osteen
Friday night I spent the evening with a man I've recently begun to follow: JOEL OSTEEN. Have you heard of him? He's what I'd call a "mega pastor" and probably the last person I thought I'd be going to see in Newark, NJ if you would have asked me a year ago. I was so...
The Tool That Saved My Business + Sanity
[smart_track_player url="" title="Jenny Fenig" artist="GET GUTSY FEATURING" image="" social="true"...
Why They Aren’t Buying
One of the biggest frustrations newer entrepreneurs face is when your prospects don’t BUY. It can wreck you, especially when you don’t know WHY they aren’t buying. You’ve poured your heart and soul into your offering, you feel it is absolutely amazing, you put it out...
Ready to ATTRACT IDEAL CLIENTS? This sacred MAP + MEDITATION shows you the way. And it's totally FREE!