Make Some Noise Featuring Andrea Owen

Make Some Noise Featuring Andrea Owen

Women are tired of worrying that they are being “too loud” if they speak up and say what they believe, want, or need, and are ready to feel their power and make themselves heard. The amazing Andrea Owen, author of the brand new book “Make Some Noise,”...
Trust It’s All Working Out

Trust It’s All Working Out

Are you spending more time thinking about your problems or the promises? We all have stuff that we’re dealing with. This is part of being human. And it’s up to you to decide that you’re going to put more energy into nurturing the promise and dream that’s been placed...
Dismantling Beliefs You’ve Outgrown

Dismantling Beliefs You’ve Outgrown

One of the beliefs that I’m here to dismantle is that we have to be busy to have value. Busy is not a badge of honor. This comes up so often in my interactions with people who I talk to on social media, in my coaching programs or during speaking engagements. And...
Talk With Them, Not At Them

Talk With Them, Not At Them

It’s not enough to simply throw out information and content and hope that it lands and hope that people then click the button to buy from you. You need to warm up your audience through the art of conversation and engagement. Think: talking WITH your audience vs...
Convert Messages Into Money

Convert Messages Into Money

When you want to enroll for your offers and help more people, you’ve got to TALK IT UP. You’ve got to line up your message with your energy and speak your vision into reality. Words of wisdom: You can’t just mention your offer once and be done with it. You...
Ground Into Gratitude As You Speak Your Truth

Ground Into Gratitude As You Speak Your Truth

As you share more of your work, you can easily feel like you’re being judged. You can easily worry about people not liking what you have to say. And guess what? Some people will NOT like what you say or what you stand for. You know what else? THESE ARE NOT YOUR...