All Parts of You Deserve to Be Expressed with Jamie Jensen

All Parts of You Deserve to Be Expressed with Jamie Jensen

Are you stifling pieces of yourself that yearn to come out? Do you have something big that you want to go for this year? Jamie Jensen is the girl you need to hear from today. I’m so pumped to have her on the show. A lover of a “blank canvas,” Jamie shares these juicy...
taxes due (+ I’m not stressed)

taxes due (+ I’m not stressed)

Quarterly taxes are due today. Yup taxes due (+ I’m not stressed)! For the first time since I became an entrepreneur 10 years ago, this day didn’t stress me out or blindside me. Yay. I’ve always paid my taxes on time, but often waited until the due...
mapping out your week

mapping out your week

I LOVE mapping out my week every Sunday so I feel prepared for what’s coming. I pull events from my online calendar + tasks / deadlines from my project management tool and transfer to my written calendar. Then I put my kids’ schedule (color coded) on the giant...
Grow a List of Buyers, Not Freebie Hunters with Bushra Azhar

Grow a List of Buyers, Not Freebie Hunters with Bushra Azhar

Do you really need a huge list to launch a product or program? Are those crazy claims of making millions on the internet overnight true? Today’s hilarious and super smart guest, Bushra Azhar, wasn’t buying it so put it to the test. And guess what? She did it! Okay,...
My Greatest Initiation: Birth (+ NEW Workshop!)

My Greatest Initiation: Birth (+ NEW Workshop!)

One week ago, my oldest son Sean celebrated his 9th birthday. We were in Florida. I couldn’t resist the urge to WRITE about that experience of becoming a first-time mother. I’ve committed to doing a lot more writing this year. Because it’s the craft...