Get Outside Your Box

My yoga teacher shared a poem in class that really touched me and I wanted to share it with you. It’s called “Outside the Box.” Does it speak to you too? Here it is …   “Maybe there’s no box to think outside. Maybe...

Got Guts?

Happy weekend to you. I’ve been wanting to record a video message for you all week, but life just got in the way until now. Does that ever happen to you? Well I’m back from mama and baby yoga (my first class with my 3-month-old – fun!) on this...
Deathbed Regrets

Deathbed Regrets

I read an article today about the regrets people who are on their deathbed admit to having. No, this wasn’t a light summer read. This was the real deal, written by Bronnie Ware, a woman who nursed chronically ill patients for years. She had noticed themes emerge...

It’s Okay to Cry

And the rains came today … the day before my life changes quite dramatically. The day before I move. Yes, the skies opened up here in New York City with a torrential downpour. I like to think the city is crying on the eve of my departure after our 11 wonderful...