It’s Not About You (or Me)

It’s Not About You (or Me)

When I get frustrated and overwhelmed with the responsibility of running a business, I remember: it’s not about me. When I feel lost and unsure of which move to make next, I remember: I’m not alone. When my clients share their fears and doubts about...
Who Are You Following?

Who Are You Following?

I’ve been in South Florida for the past few days for a combination of a family vacation (visiting my in-laws) and a little bit of biz. It’s been a great trip and we leave in just a few hours to head back up North. I hear it’s cold again … ugh. Oh...

Nothing Will Change Until You Do

A few short years ago, I was dazed and confused. Although I had broken the magical 6-figure ceiling in my corporate job as a conference producer and was living it up in my kick-ass high-rise apartment overlooking the Hudson River in New York City with my husband, I...

I Dare You

You know that awesome video training series + webinar pow-wow I mentioned a few days ago? The one I created to help you KNOW and GET what you WANT in 2012? The one that’s all about giving you the SECRETS to making your beautiful, bad-ass DREAM in your head a...