One of my favorite songs unexpectedly starts playing during Gabby Bernstein’s retreat at Kripalu.

These lines grip me, grip the room of 260 Spirit Junkies.

“How can I honor you?

How can I serve you?”

It’s a gorgeous song called Grace of God by Gurunam Singh.

His voice is deep and melodic.

It gets into your gut.

Gabby’s iPad was turned off when the song came on through that device. This song wasn’t even the next song cued up in the playlist.

I love how the entire room just went with it.



Because the song had a message for us all >>> We honor and serve God (Universe, Spirit, Source, Divine) in our work when we shine a light on our wounds … and share our lessons learned.

We rise higher when we help our tribe heal and rise to their highest potential.

Do you ever get muddy on what your message is?

Does it ever feel clunky or less than compelling?

Your message is ESSENTIAL in capturing the attention of your audience. A strong message is critical to standing out in a crowded marketplace online.

It can’t be boring, generic or too “safe.”

There has to be electricity and truth to it.

You have to be willing to “go there.”

I realized a truth about MESSAGE several months ago while on a hike.

When this truth dropped into me, I felt like an entire WORLD opened up inside, allowing my work with my tribe to go to another level.

It’s this:

Your wound is your message.

Yes, the story (or stories) that you are most ashamed of is exactly the message that you are here to share in your work.

Because as you healed that shame, you found freedom.

You found relief.

You found yourself.

You freed that scared little child trapped inside of yourself and assured her or him: “You are worth loving. I’m proud of you. I’ve got you.”

This is an epic discovery … and it can feel scary.

But I’m here to tell you: you are safe to share.

As soon as I started sharing more of my shame from my past … and how I broke free, that’s when my business took of.

I released 20 years of shame related to my sister Julie’s death in my book Get GutsyI shared DEEP details about the day of her death that was largely healing and redemptive.

And I talked about what her death taught me.

How it helped me figure out what my calling is … and allowed my audience to really know me intimately through my words and stories.

That book has led to SO much growth it blows me away.

And my podcast Get Gutsy (can you see how this brand of Get Gutsy has translated into many different mediums?) is another way I communicate with my tribe.

One of my all-time fave episodes is a solo episode I created called Clear and Sober about my year anniversary with my sobriety and recovery journey.

Vulnerability and transparency is a powerful form of currency.

It will take you to new heights with your audience.

But you must strike a balance between sharing and OVERsharing. You want to have clarity about the lesson, about the story, about the transformation.

This is the mark of a strong leader.


You’ll attract a loyal, growing tribe of fans who appreciate your courage and honesty.

You’ll give them permission to shed layers.

And they’ll stick with you as you guide them on the adventure of their deepest expansion.

Want to learn about how to celebrate the WOUND THAT IS YOUR MESSAGE on a free training I’m leading?

Awesome because I’m diving DEEP on how this as one of the 6 golden keys to grow your spiritual online business in a free webinar on Thursday, August 11.

Click here to reserve your spot on the webinar now.

It’s also the anniversary of something really significant in my life that I’ll share more about on the free training.

Would love to have you join us!

Going to be epic especially as it’s coming hot on the heels of my live retreat and masterclass I’m leading RIGHT NOW. I always walk away from these events CHANGED for the better. Holy.

Click here to reserve your spot on the webinar now.

Touch more lives with your message.

Leverage the tools of technology to expand your platform and make more money.

Launch your course.

Lead your retreat.

Close more sales, with ease and grace.

Rise higher in service to your tribe.

Go big.

Click here to reserve your spot on the webinar now.


And I’d love to read your COMMENTS below… how does your wound inspire your message? Are you claiming it as authentically as you can?

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