One of the biggest frustrations newer entrepreneurs face is when your prospects don’t BUY.

It can wreck you, especially when you don’t know WHY they aren’t buying.

You’ve poured your heart and soul into your offering, you feel it is absolutely amazing, you put it out into the world, and what happens next is:




(Or, pretty close to that.)



What I’ve come to realize is this: your people aren’t buying because you have built your foundation on AIR … your business structure isn’t solid and as such, you aren’t perceived as the trusted expert that you truly are.

The Universe knows that you’re not READY to receive the abundance that you deserve. So the business stalls, doubts creep in, and you start scanning job listings as you’re about to throw in the towel on your entrepreneurial dream.

Relax for a moment and listen up. Because I can help you.

What I know is this: you’re committed to helping your tribe and have a clear vision of your calling.

Your challenge? How to use your gift in the most powerful, profitable way possible. You want help mapping out a strategic plan that will fill your heart AND your bank account.

It’s time to STOP playing small.

It breaks my heart to hear women tell me the stories of missed opportunities and dashed dreams. Here are a few examples:

> One great gal has the makings of a BLOCKBUSTER BRAND and leader of a movement for moms, but she knows very LITTLE about online marketing and how to sell more of her programs. Plus she only has 97 people on her list (huge issue that’s totally fixable!). She’s getting frustrated that she’s not earning more money because she’s working so hard.

> A whipsmart woman with a heart of gold is a very successful doctor who is ready to establish her unique brand of wellness online, but does not know where to start. She simply wants someone to give her a step-by-step plan so she can focus on what she truly loves to do (helping women heal from the inside out).

> Another entrepreneur who runs a cleaning business struggles with time management. She never feels like there is enough time! As a result, she’s not posting to social media enough to attract clients … yet, when she does post, she hardly gets any likes or comments. What gives?

> And one woman who is an author fears the T word: TECHNOLOGY. She’d like to do webinars, podcasts, teleseminars and online courses but has no idea how to actually “do” them.

> Yet another woman has left her decade-plus corporate career to make a go of entrepreneurship. Know what her issue is? She is scared shitless. And her hubby isn’t making it any easier by infusing his fear on her. She wants to be a business owner, but the fear is getting the best of her. She wonders if she’s being rational.

Can you relate to any of these scenarios? You are NOT alone.

I don’t believe in suffering. So, here’s my invitation to YOU to stop the insanity in my landmark course (updated + refreshed like never before) that will help YOU demystify online marketing and help more people:



IMPORTANT: Early Bird Enrollment closes THIS Sunday, March 20 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

Click here for details.

Cash in on Your Calling is a gorgeous boutique-style experience for spiritual coaches, consultants, experts and leaders of service-based businesses who want to grow their business ONLINE.

Because when you understand the ONLINE space, you can do, be and have ANYTHING in this lifetime.

You become a miraculous manifester and a whipsmart marketer touching lives all over the planet.

And that’s what I’m here to help you become.

Click here for details.

As a student in Cash In On Your Calling, you will learn to shift your mindset and energy levels so you can tap into your highest potential and eliminate roadblocks that crop up.

You will develop a plan and WORK IT.

You’ll look fear in the face and WALK FORWARD.

You will grow your online empire and have people GRAVITATING towards your work.

You’ll GLOW, girl.

Watch and see.

Best of all, Cash in on Your Calling is a DIGITAL program, meaning you can enroll as a student from wherever you are located in this great big world (the power of the internet, right there!).

Join us!


P.S. Remember: Early Bird Enrollment closes THIS Sunday, March 20 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

Score some bonuses you’ll absolutely LOVE.

P.P.S. You’ll get results!

“Cash In On Your Calling gave me all the tools and inspiration I needed to birth my business and accelerate its growth – in weekly manageable steps.

The perfect combination of information + motivation + inspiration enabled me to achieve so much – and all in such a short space of time. Whenever overwhelm set in, I was able to step back, breathe and make use of the tools Jenny had shared with us to organize my thoughts and get through my to do list.

Under Jenny’s guidance I was able to define and plug into my big WHY any time I needed that extra push to keep on going.

The CIOYC forum was also instrumental in keeping me moving ahead and working through my doubts and fears – having a group of like minded women who were all going through the same process to share my wins and challenges with was invaluable.”

– Sonja Gardiner,

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