Friday night I spent the evening with a man I’ve recently begun to follow: JOEL OSTEEN.

Have you heard of him?

He’s what I’d call a “mega pastor” and probably the last person I thought I’d be going to see in Newark, NJ if you would have asked me a year ago. I was so not that girl.

But a few months ago I felt myself turning to his message of HOPE, FAITH and OPTIMISM as I was making moves in my business and life. I’m so glad I did.

I was letting things go, shedding layers I had outgrown, and stepping into a new level of growth.

It can be really FREAKING SCARY to make these moves unless you have a strong COMPASS guiding you.

Know what I’m talking about here?

Do you ever feel SCARED following your calling? I feel you, girl.

Here are the some of my fave takeaways from seeing Joel Osteen. I hope they help you navigate the road ahead! 

I am going to use the word God, but if that word doesn’t work for you, then substitute something else that feels more in alignment (Source, Divine, Universe, Spirit, Goddess, whatever!). Your life = your choice. 

// Start your day in a POSITIVE state. Talk to God and offer thanks. “God, I want to thank you for blessing me with goodness today.” 

// Let God take care of your battles.

// God’s mercy is bigger than any mistake you’ve ever made.

// You must conceive your dream on the inside before you see it on the outside. 

// You become what you believe. 

// Forgive people … and ask others to forgive you. 

// Nothing you’re facing is a surprise to God. God has the solution before we ever have the problem. 

// Affirm: “God, I know the plans you have for me are bigger than I can imagine.” 

// You are called. You are chosen. You are loved unconditionally. 

// God is directing your steps. Trust. Trust. Trust. 

// There is a divine purpose for your disappointments. 

// Your TEST will become your TESTIMONY. 

// The days ahead are greater than the days we leave. 

// Break free from MEDIOCRITY. You are a barrier breaker. You aren’t average. Recondition your thinking and get rid of LOW expectations. It starts with your thinking. 

// Let the seed take root in your SPIRIT. Stir up your GIFTS and SHARE them. 

Here’s a shot of me and my treasured GLOW mastermind client Elaine Wellman of in front of the venue.

Jenny and Elaine at Joel Olsten

Interesting to point out that as we waited to go into the venue, there were protestors proclaiming to the crowd that we had wasted our money.

You think online haters and critics are tough?

Imagine having a group of PASSIONATE people outside of your live event shouting to the crowd that they had made a big mistake by attending your event. You’ve gotta develop nerves of steel on your quest.

The dissident voices are part of the deal.

I’m constantly reminded that you must fully be committed to your work and not worry about your critics. They seriously come with the territory. 

Keep walking in faith as you step into your highest calling. It will be worth it. Promise.

Thanks for reading. Kinda feels like I’m coming out of the spiritual closet!


P.S. Are you a spiritual entrepreneur ready to be shown the steps necessary to grow your business ONLINE?

Tired of being confused by technology?

Bummed that your courses, workshops and programs aren’t getting the signups they could?

Ready to come out of the closet as an entrepreneur on a mission?

Cash in on Your Calling® is for you.

Registration closes Wednesday, March 30 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

Grab your spot here >>

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