Welcome to Fall: Transformation Awaits

Welcome to Fall: Transformation Awaits

It’s FALL! The days are growing shorter. The air is getting colder. The leaves are starting to change colors and fall from their branches. The darkness is coming. The earth will go to sleep soon. This is such a powerful time of year. It’s harvest season. Time to...
Create a Wellness Revolution with Amanda Tress

Create a Wellness Revolution with Amanda Tress

First off, I’m back with the podcast! I’ve missed you. Secondly, do I have an amazing episode for you! A little backstory >> Over the last decade of mothering and growing my business, I had gotten really lazy with exercise. EVERYTHING else seemed to take...
How to Have All the Time You Need

How to Have All the Time You Need

Hope you’re having a WONDERFUL weekend. The NEW MOON yesterday was POWERFUL for me. How about you? I’ve learned to make the most of the lunar cycle, especially the new + full moons. It has made a MASSIVE difference in my life and business this year....